Monthly report on sadhana

4 years, 2 months ago by RiturajMajumder in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Srila Gurudev

Dandavat pranam at your lotus feet [lettuce feet].

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krsna,

Hope you are in good health and spirit.

HpS - Ha! Ha! Hare! A doctor asking if we are in good health. Body always has some ache, no?

This year we are missing your physical association in India. Every year since last few years it was a routine to travel with you and learn, but due to covid pandemic we are missing your vapu.

HpS - It has e-vapu-rated, no? Krsna is pushing us to another level. You need to become a Big Professor, Doctor, with a Big House et al.

On the sadhana front . My Kartik vrat was very nice . 16 rounds , 4 regulative principles intact with mangal aarti on regular basis ( lots of improvement needed ) , hearing classes on internet .

HpS - ! ! ! We are embarrassed by your sincerity. We will try to be as sincere as you. Eg. lot for a five year old to do 16-rounds. So, when they do, we feel he is much better devotee than us.

I took a 4 hours seminar on deity worship rituals and Pancha- anga puja on a day before Kartik rasa .Also did the Practical demonstration and vaishnava homa on rasa purnima for satisfaction of Nitai and Nimai as taught by H.G.Mukunda Datta Prabhu during my stay in vrindavan .

HpS - Soooooo o o o ! Nice. You purify the three worlds.

Need to read the Bhagawatam properly now .

Sri Narasimha Dev installation and Nitai Nimai birthday was done with great joy and very nice prasadam on Rasa purnima . It was a nice program and opportunity to preach . I have noticed that I am good in preaching through deity worship and related samskaras .

At one time I can preach /talk only to two or three people that also in more conservative lines. That keeps my own self also in line .

When I try to do it for larger groups I exhaust myself and it affects me negatively .I am better with few people only.

HpS - So was Karl Marx. He was good writer but not good in big groups, but he became rather famous, no?

In this regard I will also like to request you for re - initiation into gayatri mantra diksha , if you allow .This time the mood is suitable , I have given it a lot of thought before requesting this time .

HpS - Following everything for one year? All the Japa? Would be super for you if you can keep the work.

My preaching efforts as I have noticed are more on brahminical lines in the place that I currently stay.

I need to work on my self confidence . I feel like I have underestimated my abilities to change myself and also influence like minded people . With chanting good rounds I feel like I can help myself and also others .

HpS - Yes, confidence comes from hearing evaluation of other: Krsna, Guru and innocent people who hear us.

All in all everything is very positive currently by Krsna's mercy on both material and spiritual life .

Next month I plan to go to Sridham Mayapur and puri dham.

On mokshada ekadasi I have been invited to do a small puja and preaching in a local family home .

HpS - !!

On material academic front my masters program is going good .

My parents are also chanting little bit.

Back home ----Father is retiring from job next month . He had a stent put in his heart .They convey their pranams at your lotus feet.

HpS - My respects to them!!! A photo of them attached?

Hopefully if they become devotees then they can receive initiation someday .Main problem I feel is the fish :( being Bengali they find it difficult to leave it .

They have reduced eating fish but still they do eat .

HpS - Learn to cook "somebody" else, no?

Srila Gurudev , hope you visit India soon . Missing the mangal aarti with you in Mayapur .

Hare krsna

Rturaj Krsna Das

Shillong , meghalaya

P.S. pictures attached

HpS - We miss India also. It is India. It is more alive. The West is very mechanical. Every thing is so "lifelike". Let's answer some more letters. Come with us.

Your situation seems very nice. As long as you are chanting HK you are making progress and little by little you become transcendentally fixed.

Let's do it in one lifetime Don't come back again as a beautiful woman, and become a famous European opera star.