Dear Guru Maharaja, Hare ๐
Krsna ๐, all glories to Srila Prabhupada! ๐ผ
In the text of the last Kapi Dhvaja you asked about us. Thank you for your care and remembrance of ourselves on the other side of the Bhumi ball. ๐
I do not write much (or at all) here on the Blog. Different reasons for that. Do not have much to say. Kind of nothing new, especially in comparison to your activities. Of course, life is always new and fresh and changing. You cannot step in the same river twice, said bhakta 'fellow from ancient Greek'.
I still have a job in the school with a kid with disabilities (behavior disorder). By working with him, I get a lot of new perspective. Hope that it is making me a better person and a Krsna bhakta.
Nirgata is doing online classes due to COVID-19.
Our bodies, now almost turning 50, are with less energy and more pain. Learning to deal with it positively.
We continue with puja, japa, sastra reading (little less then previous years), hearing classes online, etc. For Gita Jayanti we plan to have online reading of the all slokas of BG (translations only).
Your (this) Blog is still my most visited website (+ your Tweets).
Having some thoughts about various topics: diksa guru, devotee attire, ways of reaching out/sharing Krsna consciousness, being relevant (language) to people. Still not putting that into written words.
Parents becoming quiet old now (85 years). Some adjustments for that needed.
Are there any news from devotees from Spain (Tirtha-kirti and Laksmana, Jaya-sakti, etc.) I read here on Blog from Jayanta and Jaramara Hari.
HpS - We don't hear from The Thirtha Kirti or the Laksmana DD. I guess that means they are fine. I hope so. Such nice people.
I read news from Pandaveya? (Pablo). I met him in person once (for a few days). And your comments to his news.
HpS - Pandava-prsni Das
I lost touch with Indradyumna (Serbia). We tried to meet once on Vaisnava summer camp in Serbia but he had to work those days.
HpS - He comes on to the FMP program some time. I think he is on the road a lot doing trucking and of course he has like 400 fruit threes. He also seems fine.
It is nice to write letters (or journaling), however I still like to talk face to face. It feels warmer, more organic. That is maybe because I do not talk much or have much live conversations, so there is no enough quantity to feel it as energy sucking.
HpS - One old man in a Spanish village that had quite modern houses but went back to the time before the Romans said that he noticed that the current generation can't look at each other and talk. It is almost like they have to have little emo signs to put into their hands while they are talking. ๏ปฟ๐๏ปฟ
Something I was wandering about ... Please withhold name details here if you find it needed. There is a devotee, now sannyasi, I forgot his sannyasa name (Bhakti something), ex Maha-
mantra prabhu. You remember him? I know him from my Vrindavana days (half year spent in 2000.). When I accompanied you in 2006. in Vrindavana (Vraja Mandala Parikrama, etc,.) we were on one of his evening lectures in prasadam hall. After the lecture you told me :" Bhakti xyz is crazy". We did not comment much later. So, maybe you know, few years later something happened to him. I do not know the details but is interesting how you sensed it. It opened few questions up? All time brahmacari and full of sloka devotee at age of 60 having mental problems, and similar inquiries. Would you like to comment on that?
HpS - I don't remember the details. I think I know of whom you are talking. I never considered him exactly crazy except if a joking sense, that he was eccentric. Of course, the Britannica considers Lord Caitanya eccentric also.
I was doubtful of his talking to woman for what seemed hours during Japa in the Krsna-Balarama Temple, but that is all I know about his specific case.
In general, even Lord Brahma, with four heads and cognizant of like 80% of what's happening in the universe just by "figuring it out", was intoxicated by his daughter, Sarasvati, and began to run after her for romance.
In general, we can have accidental fall-downs at any point, but we don't lose our progress. We may even become deer, but we don't experience it like an ordinary Dude, no?
You have that experience, no?
You know you should not eat the extra samosa, but like Ajamila you can't stop yourself, and then your body suffers, but you don't suffer because you tried, and your body learns a lesson.
Some thoughts. O.K.?
Our respects to your esteemed family. We always think that Nir gata means No Cat.
Your servant Namacarya Das