Jay Krsna-Balarama!!!!...Pandaveya Spain.

4 years, 2 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaja!!

Agt SP !!!

Agt Nimai and Nitai !!!

I hope you do very well.

ASA - In hell! 😉

Material world.

Thank you very much for your answers. It is very nice to be able to talk to someone about these things, with someone sensible.

You asked me “What are Siva and Parvati called in the spiritual world” in my opinion? I dont know really, but, i simply can imaginate that Siva And Parvati are a singular part of the mitologycal adventures of the kids of Vraja. The Gods of Their adventures...I dont think possible Vraja without they.

ASA - In Vaikuntha they are Sada siva and Parvati, as I know. They are more like in Santa rasa as far as I know, and then They project them selves in to the material world to help people. Very much like Maha-visnu et al. I think there is more about them in the CC. If we have a certain kind of consciousness then these things are practical.

Remember, in Braja, Lord Siva wants to enter but he will scare baby Krsna, mother Yasoda thinks, with all the snakes, so she asks him to guard the door. So he is Gopisvara Maha deva. Four forms, Siva lingas guard the four directions of entrance into Braja, and then four other forms within Braja to specifically guard Mathura etc. etc. etc.

Today I have remembered the Vrajamandala parikrama, and the Chira Ghata especially. This has been funny, because I remembered a photo that I have of you under that tree or another, I don't remember exactly now. I will try for the next moon to be able to send it to you.

HpS - 🙄

I have to let you know that lately, my meditation is getting much deeper. I can only summarize it, as if Krsna, Balarama, Visnu surely, Siva-Visnu, blinked in many places on a daily basis, and it is as if those blinks reset the time value.

I remember Gaurakisora Das Babaji a lot, for some reason, I always felt a lot of closeness or affection towards him. I love his samadhi in Radha Kunda. Surely, along with the Samadhi of Haridas Thakura in Nilacala, Jagannatha Puri, are the sites that most enchanted my mind.

I always remember those places a lot thanks to your taste for Vrndavan Mahimamrta. Who knows why?

And I am always envious of those who can eat the Maha prasadam of Krsna Balarama Mandir in Vrndavan, especially sweets. And the Maha prasadam of Mayapur. I love pizza. I hate I can't eat them every day.

HpS - Next life. Very soon! Packages in the mail.

I have to admit that over the years, among so many devotional impressions, some have been disappearing, and others remain as Meru mountains. Many are book covers, such as the Prarthana painting of Narottama das thakura. Deluxe version.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva.

Have a good days.

HpS - Thank you. Have you tried, drawing, painting. Look at different kinds of art. Surrealist art?? For Krsna?

HpS - Aaaah! I don't see the attachments until I 'save' the file. Your attachments are great!! Did you do those??