Bhagavatam 11/23 and 12/5

4 years, 1 month ago by mittalga in Other

My dear Maharaja!

Pranams! Namaste!

Bhagavatam 11/2/41: ... seeing everything that exists within creation as the body of the Supreme Lord, Hari, the devotee should offer his sincere respects to all beings

(hareḥ — of the Supreme Lord, Hari; śarīram — the body; yat kim ca — whatever; bhūtam — in created existence; praṇamet — one should bow to; ananyaḥ — thinking nothing to be separate from the Lord.)

Bhagavatam 3/29/34: Such a perfect devotee offers respects to every living entity because he is under the firm conviction that the Supreme Personality of Godhead has entered the body of every living entity as the Supersoul, or controller.

Above 2 verses are meaning of "Namaste". Namaste to you!

I am not sure whether you read Bhagavatam chapters 11/23 and SB 12/5. Those 2 chapters describe how I see the reality these days. I wanted to know if you also see the reality in similar way. Instead of describing the reality in my own words, I think that Bhagavatam 11/23 and 12/5 chapters describe it quite well. So I would like to know your understanding on those chapters.

Please ignore this request if it is inconvenience.


Gaurav Mittal

HpS - I might have read them at some point. I have been plodding and dancing through the SB for many decades. It is wonderful, no?

Right from BG [] this attitude, Bhava, is suggested, no? My consciousness depends on what mode of nature I am in. In general I do not hate anyone as my enemy, and when I am and I put myself in the mode of goodness I see that every thing is real, detailed, wonderful.