15:00-20:00 Min...TRADUCTION URGENT. Pandavaya Spain

4 years, 2 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Hot Topics

Hare Krsna Gurudeva.

Here You have the transcription, i wish is good enough...

Agt SP



We need so many kinds of books, a lot of children books over there, and so, the all things too, as like you saying, is it´s ...is, is...

i hear that Prabhupada said "every seller have their own technique", and you can steal so...you can steal a idea that by a (¿habit?), (¿father saw?) and mother (¿sellerman?)...but in the ¿Indian? you better develop new technique.

Ok!. Number four: by the web pages, books, others, who are readers can contact, and turns...how develop books distribution.


Yes. There is “distribuyebooks.com”, which I recommend, and there is also a book call "Our family business" that has the hist...not only the history of book distribution, but also ¿waist? to organizar it. the principles that, well, that if it had "(¿here?) to guarantee your success", and they also, it also have some ideas about enhanced in. your sadhana, so i do recommend those two resources, definitely, we also...


What...what about...resources??? for example near ISKCON Silicon Valley community...This kind..kicksdown to the thief question...are we aware of that?

Ok...i´m sorry, so, go ahead, because this question (¿?) again ...


ok, by resources, we also have a...


What about kids, for example, like in here, in the area Iskcon silicon valley. Are they people who can...¿who come? and contact in Iskcon Silicon Valley, to understand about, how or who, you know, sankirtana with kids is going on of...(¿did, you say?)...that?...

Do you have different people there, who (¿?) people contact as your resources?


yes, in fact, we put on regular seminars, call SOS, Sankirtana Orientation Seminar, and during our seminars we cover all different ¿maces? of sankirtana, includes, kid sankirtana, which is been...become wildly successfull, not at just (¿that I it´s be?) but also all the others contacts, included London....implementing.


I heard, that, in boise, idaho, i mean, kids can roll me relate to it...ok.

how to handle too much your time...and...you so, next...(¿I?) should be appointed number five.

SP promoted four diplomas, Bhakti sastri, Bhakti vaibhava, bhaktivedanta, bhakti sarvabhauma.

how can they be integrated with book distribution?

then, they give one perspective, by design with all that, Srivas Pandita ...bhaktivaibhava study program.

We included, that, everybody have been engaged for over the four years of study, and some kind of sankirtana book distribution, and we consider that it was enough... that ..is somebody (¿taught?)...somebody Bhaktivaibhava can a day, (¿toughth?) bhakti sastri, two times during the bhaktivaibhava work, that (¿toughth?)work will be ok, that will be enough...of course obviously it means first, the students have to buy BG, Sri Isopanisad, nectar of instruction, and nectar of devotion.

So, that is one idea by how thinking to integrate, but maybe, this allow ...better ways that this diplomas can really be (¿tought?) focus and, you know...and book distribution.


Well, you know, I could not agree with you more...I, (¿we?) always fall and discourses, you and I, that, I think that it is, you know, important to have devotees trained in book distribution, and, (¿they?) have to be able...they have the oportunity they do it, even make as they are studying the books...make them come alive.

I see in Mexico, Guanajuato, they have a training center there. (¿Aravinda?) prabhu set upon ¿work?...they have the bhaktisastri, and, the same time, on the weekends, all the students go out to distribute books and, I like the convination.

I think, I think that should be a part of it. Of course, ¿you should be?.. everybody who takes Bhaktisastris, also..., a book distributor (¿cause?) everyone is a book distributor.

But I think, again, to go together like rise and dawn. And if you have one without the other, then I think, is...not complete meal...you know, “get the full protein”.


I generate programs...for all the education programs that we (¿would?) do, Hanumatpresaka Swami, and Anjana Suta Academy, is, you are studying to teach, and, so, how purpose...your studying, studying, studying, so you can teach...know...

Ok...then last point ¿gear?

How can the ashrama path, can do to college (¿?) to college (¿?)...they integrate with book distribution, and now we have (¿Su?)devi dasi, with their (¿?) (¿who is a...) so much, you know, experience with the primary ¿pries? School...¿pries?school, can be (¿?) and primary school education, so then ¿they? Should, can also kickout some questions here.


Hare Krsna

HpS - Thank you!!!! We will look at it in detail!!! Thank you. Hope you get nice ashrama arrangement soon in transit to Goloka.