Hare Krsna Maharaj,
The letter might be uncivilized, you can edit according to audience.
Now finally we think we can give you vow of 4 rules and 16 rounds chanting. Been following for six months.
Morning program + reading. We can not give vow currently, but when it will be there we would approach you for Brahaman Initiation.
Kindly your grace tell us the formalities that are required, to formalize this relationship between you and me, especially in the times of pandemic, where your/my travel will be restricted.
We were thinking that we can just continue as a Siksa disciple but now we see the importance of Diksa also.
But your mercy and Parampara's mercy will required to elevate us, always , even when you leave Brother Ass. The mercy was always there, but we are insincere ( naming it as fear, circumstantial ) .
We are two legged animal, not cultured or civilized or sophisticated or refine. But still as soul having a material body, we can throw some pebbles and trees to fight Ravana.
Please recruit us and train us to be monkey warrior.
Kneeling down,
Suicide Bomber.
HpS - There us no doubt that Krsna is conscious of all your efforts.
Maharaja Bharata took one life as a deer, then got human form again.
So, maybe we are designated to live one life as not initiated devotee and then take birth in Nadia with Nimai.
Who knows.
Trying to to advance formally and take initiation.
Four principles strictly and 16-enthusiastic rounds and basic standard, but Srila Prabhupada says that we cannot remain enthusiastic, chant inetusiastic rounds without getting up early. He gives the example of how the streets of Vrnadvana are full of people moving to the Temples before 1-2 hours before sunrise.
How is your morning program?
Napolean and Saocrates were up and doing work then, no?