Vidyapitha's Monthy Study Guide

4 years, 3 months ago by hps in Special Category A

Bhakta Tom and Bhakta Buck:

We get the Bhagavata Pradipika each month from Sriman Gauranga Darshana Das and the Vidhyapitha (place of knowledge) of the ISKCON Govardhana Eco-village near Mumbai, India.

Fine devotees!

Fine community!

🐗 🐗🐗

Issue Dec 2020 (#42)

~The Beginning Citations about book distribution are very nice. Especially SB10.2.37. We want to put that in our ASA(Encyclopedia).

~The first article "God at the Gate" is nice summary of Bali Maharaja and Vamana avatar. Very complete. We were wondering if there was not enough distinction between blessings of Brahmanas and blessings of devotees, some citations for the explanation about why Prahlada blessed Bali to conquer the demigods.

Our question is will common folk who will not read the story in the SB, read it in this format?  It takes some time and effort. Is it better for GDD to focus on video, pptx, shows of these subjects?

These are real questions. We are looking at the Vidyapitha as a source of real inspiration and knowledge and trying to take lessons from their work for the ASA.

~Prayers for Giriraja

No reference for these nice prayers!  Where are they from? Didn't Gaura tell Raghu to add the sweets?  What is Kaja?

~Magnifying Krsna Element

Nice summary of meeting of Vyasa and Narada Muni. Didn't Vyasa suspect the cause of his despondency? SB 1.4.31. We have an intuitive understanding our our problem, and then Guru makes it scientifically clear.

We remember Narada giving this very nice description of the fault in Vyasa's literature: SB 1.5.15, 'Your work is progressive Vyasa, but as the article points out, people will take the minimum austerity and the maximum concession'.

"Närada also narrates his journey from promiscuity to perfection." - Narada was promiscuous in the beginning?  "Def: promiscuity - Having or characterized by many transient sexual relationships."

This was in previous life, no?  Not narrated in the SB, no? Where? More story.

~Both the Ishopanisad Subodini and the NOI Subodini, study guides, that are promoted in this months issue are not available at Amazon. Go to to get on the periodical's mailing list.

com. We wanted to buy the Kindle copy!

😩 😬

Ayeee! We die a thousand deaths!

Go to to get on the periodical's mailing list.

The information of study materials is very important for us. New prayers of some real interest. Being able to link the Journal to new people in KC is important.

...but unless they make progress to direct study of the SB etc, is it is effective to maintain such a professional effort. Of course, some people may read this their entire life and never get to the SB direct, but is it good use of GDD effort to write these instead of making movies?

Maybe so?

Hope he writes to us here at the ASA with some comments and suggestions