dtc mo(7)

4 years, 1 month ago by hps in DTC

Yesterday, Sunday, we were suffering from over eating, bread and butter, and it forced us to take extra rest! Still we were enlivened to write a letter to H. H. Satsvarupa Das Goswami in honor of his Vyasa-puja. We attach pictures of the humble letter.

Then today, Monday we got up at 1.15AM and were chanting, but a little tired by 7AM so took a nap but didn't wake up until 8.15AM ... and class was over .... 😲

so we panicked and looked looked for the link in www.GoToMeeting.com. It was only a 32-minute class.

We called Srinivasa-acharya Das to apologize to Mataji for our slovenly behavior.

Then listened to the class.

It was very nice.

Guru-govinda Devi Dasi was the Chief-Guest. (She needs to learn the Sanskrit for the invocation prayers (she is a lawyer!)). 😇

The class was very smooth. Very complete. A summary of the history of Kardama and Devahuti. We clarified one misconception about the story, but one question comes up.

It says that there should be compatibility between the character etc of the boy and girl, and M. Sundara Radhika Devi Dasi, said that there should not be too much difference in age between the boy and girl.

This brings up and interesting question.

In the current, Amer-European system the boy's and girl's ages are almost the same.

We have heard that it is VERY, VERY, difficult if the girl is older than the boy, and we have seen that this is so true. Almost always results in divorce of Western couples. (We have used our mystic powers to make one of our disciples three years younger, so she is not older than here husband.)

Yet, Devahut must have been about 11 or 12 years old and Kardama was at least 25.

SB 1.17.38 suggests girls by 16 and boys by 25 years get married, no?

History of Cyvana Muni and Sukanya, SB 9.3 relates story of Old Man marrying maybe 12-year old girl, and Srila Prabhupada commented that usually this is not normal, but he cites from his personal experience of a girl like 19-years old marrying an older man in the village with no family and he says that in the end they were both very happy, because they were Vaisnava.


It would seem, that in the current world heavily influenced by AmerEuro culture girls of 17-years old marrying boys of 25-years might be very practical, but as much as possible returning to the girls being 'betrothed' by their wish and parents consent at 12-years old, and then living with husband by 16-years old, would be ideal.

It is interesting, in most, all(?), USA states, girls can marry by 18-years old without parental consent and by 16-with parental consent.

What do you think?

VAD for Divine Goals!

Then. we did a lot of mail!! Talked with ARTD on the phone for 15-minutes, cooked Kitri for Lord N and we hope to work on the FEP for tonight, before we go for a walk.

It is 4-degrees Celsius here at 3PM.

Our health is much improved with Buck White cooking.