Badges! Badges?, we need no stinkin' badges

4 years, 2 months ago by chas d lind in Special Category A

pamho Maharaja! AGtSP!

We need sweet smellin' badges!

Caught your note on Badges and etecetera. There are so many marketing promo's you can shake a stick at.

We need to plan out goals for this one, so many choices. The Chinese Web Marketing, such Alladin has 1,000's of choices and potential Badges, buttons, pins, baseball hats, shirts..even bobble-head figurines. We just get a design and send.

Though we should also look at local markets too, just need to centralize our needs for economical benefits to home businesses.

We'll discuss again!

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP!! paoho What about a simple rectangular cloth badge that could be sewn on shorts or t-shirt with our simple Hanuman logo (attached) and "Anjana Suta Academy" above and "www.JayaRama.US" below, in black-white-greyscale?