El año de las voces de las madres

4 years, 1 month ago by YugalaKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurudeva, me alegra saber que piensa venir el próximo año, ojala fuera a Chosica. La vez pasada le preguntaba acerca de cómo son los pasos de la danza rasa, pensaba que los bailarines de Manipur se asemejan, me gustaría aprender.

Continuamos en el servicio de pujari, podemos seguir si seguimos siendo estrictos en la dieta, recuperando salud, esperando que todo se normalice para incorporarme a otras actividades. estoy enseñando a vestir a las deidades.

También me quede muy impresionada con las voces de las madres, muchas cartas, todo sea para mejorar, me parece que para el movimiento es el año de las madres, me alegra conocer a muchas hermanas y devotas, le agradezco por su esfuerzo por inspirar a las madres a predicar.

Este año ha sido de muchas revelaciones, quienes son veraces, quienes no lo son, tengo nuevas amistades, personas que buscan progresar espiritualmente y son amantes del servicio.

En Perú ya se puede ir a lglesias, el templo se está rezagando a falta de trámites. El pánico paraliza, los países vecinos abren, la soledad puede volverse lo habitual, es mejor interactuar unas horas con gente nueva, diferente y luego regresar al claustro. Me siento muy a gusto en mi estado célibe, por el momento seguiré con mi humor femenino, si ser monja es vestir sin gracia, entonces solo soy célibe, un peregrino, un misionero, más adelante podemos ser mas renunciados, por el momento mejor ser natural.

Se inició la maratón de Diciembre, para mi será maratón de lectura, deseo darle ahora tiempo especial a la lectura y por supuesto dejare unos días para realizar ese hermoso servicio, unas horas, por Prabhupada. Aun no se mis actividades del próximo año, espero mejoren las cosas para continuar con mis planes antes de pandemia.

Hubieron muchos programas on line, le mando algunos darsan de las deidades,

Sus bendiciones para cantar mas atentamente, por enfermedad, tuve dificultades para cantar, concentrarme, ya estoy mejor graciasa la lectura.

Muchas gracias por su paciencia y sus bendicones mucha ayuda, siento cada dia la presencia de Krsna, en mi vida, sus bendiciones para cultivar buenas cualidades, y asi mejorar mi servicio.

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi.



Dear Gurudeva, I am glad to know that you plan to come next year, I wish it were Chosica. Last time I asked you about what the steps in the rasa dance are like, you thought that Manipur dancers are like them, I would like to learn.

HpS - Maybe have to take birth in Manipur. Krsna can arrange many things!

We continue in the pujari service, we can continue if we continue to be strict in our diet, recovering health, waiting for everything to normalize to join other activities. I am teaching how to dress the deities.

I was also very impressed with the voices of the mothers, many letters, everything is to improve, it seems to me that for the movement it is the year of mothers, I am happy to meet many sisters and devotees, I thank you for your effort to inspire mothers to preach.

HpS - Visnupriya was just as great a Sannyasi as Lord Caitanya, no? She had to express it differently.

This year has been one of many revelations, who is true, who is not, I have new friends, people who seek to progress spiritually and are lovers of service.

In Peru you can already go to churches, the temple is lagging behind for lack of paperwork. Panic paralyzes, neighboring countries open, loneliness can become the norm, it is better to interact for a few hours with new and different people and then return to the cloister. I feel very comfortable in my celibate state, for the moment I will continue with my feminine humor, if being a nun is dressing without grace, then I am only celibate, a pilgrim, a missionary, later on we can be more renounced, for the moment better to be natural.

HpS - When you die you can have a tomb with your statue in marble with nice robes: The little lady of our Great Lady of Cosica. 😎

The December marathon began, for me it will be a reading marathon, I want to give special time to reading now and of course I will leave a few days to perform that beautiful service, a few hours, for Prabhupada. I still do not know my activities for next year, I hope things improve to continue with my plans before the pandemic.

HpS - Let us plan to chant Hare Krsna, this breath! ! ! !

There were many online programs, I sent you some Darsan of the deities.

HpS - Thank you!!

Your blessings to sing more attentively, due to illness, I had difficulty singing, concentrating, I am already better thanks to reading.

Thank you very much for your patience and your blessings, a lot of help, every day I feel the presence of Krsna, in my life, Her blessings to cultivate good qualities, and thus improve my service.

His daughter who adores him:

Yugala Kishora Dasi.

HpS - ASA -- Some one told me recently, Yugala-kishora Dasi is very special lady. She is always smiling! Always! [Of course, some ladies can be very, very evil when they smile. Ha!! Ha! Ha! (Be careful of them!)]. Thank you so much for your service. Improve.


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