Here krsna Ambarisa DaS

4 years, 3 months ago by Ambarisa Maharaja Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krsna Guru dev



All glories to you

sorry for not write to the blog for so long.

Personally I am striving to be stable in my sadhana, we are worshiping in our Ashram:

  • Nitai Gaura Sundara,
  • Giriraj,
  • Nrsimhadev,
  • Vrinda Devi,
  • Guru Parampara,
  • Srila Prabhupada and You.

Trying to meditate every day with the help of Vaisnava songs.

Some days I miss the opportunity to complete my rounds.

ASA - Whoop! Whoop! Oink! Oink!


Of course, this is the prime ritual. The grease that makes all else flow, The Mother's milk without which our other projects starve. Of course, we may fall from the standard, but keep track of the debt of rounds we owe, and by trying, trying, trying we will get back to the standard. Sometimes we have to lie flat on our back and just make our mouth move one syllable at a time: Haa! Ray! Krs! Na! but there is nothing more beneficial for our health, family, money, projects, immortality than 16-sincere rounds under Srila Prabhupada's authority.

Not much association with devotees, the highest and best association is with you and ASA.

We are quite alone, we help in a preaching project to a family of devotees and because the pandemic we have only a few possibilities to visit other devotees.

HpS - Same for us, but we are more impersonalists than you all. You and Mataji seem to be human beings.

I don't have a cyber life and nothing through social networks. I also don t have association with non-devotees. I feel like I'm in a cave.

HpS - Write to the Blog seven times a day.

I feel beaten in my emotions, trying to understand not to pretend to be loved but to seek refuge in the ultimate reality under the love of Radha Krsna, praying for the blessings of You and all the Guruparampada to understand how to wake up and feel with my soul, with my true heart.

ASA - Well that may take a few moments. Right now maybe we should be thinking of getting ready to be comfortable in our next mother's womb, no? All glories to good Mothers! I want a womb with wifi and a microwave.

I don't know if I'm a good devotee, I don't know if I'm a good father, I don't know if I'm a good son, I don't know if I'm a good brother, I don't know if I'm a good partner.

HpS - At least we know we are fools. Most people think that they are really O.K.

I feel that I am in transit and have always take decisions with the intention of improving my spiritual practice by opting for the process that Srila Prabhupada gave us.

 A lot of mental and physical pain in this world [motion picture].

 I am grateful and grateful again for the opportunity to have Krsna consciousness to caress my heart and have a teacher like you and the loving perspective of being able to wake up from this dream.

 It is good to know that I am a neophyte to want to stop being neophyte, I really need to get out of dryness.

My faith is being watered by the memories of the Dham, of the association of the devotees, of my desire not to give up and to be able to link myself with the true holy name.

thank you Guru Dev for your patience, love, example and inspiration your attempt as a servant Ambarisa Das

Hare krsna Guru dev



All glories to you

HpS - Wow (Caramba). I was feeling that I was the only one with these problems. Now after hearing from you I feel a whole lot better. Mails some cookies to a countryman devotee. Did you like the Kapi Dhvaja yesterday? :>>> Your next letter.

Disculpa por no escribir al blog hace tiempo.

Personalmente estoy esforzándome por estar estable en mi sadhana, estamos adorando en nuestro Ashrama a Nitai Gaura Sundara, Giriraj, Nrsimhadev Vrinda devi, al Guru Parampada, Srila Prabhupada y Usted. tratando de meditar todos los días con ayudada de las canciones vaisnavas. Algunos días pierdo la oportunidad de completar mis rondas. no mucha asociación con devotos, la mayor y mejor asociación es con usted y ASA. estamos bastante solos, ayudamos en un proyecto de predica a una familia de devotos y dado a la pandemia pocas posibilidades de visitar otros devotos. no tengo mucha vida cibernética y nada por redes sociales. tampoco tengo asociación con no devotos. siento que estoy en una cueva.

Me siento un poco golpeado en mis emociones entendiendo no pretender ser amado si no en buscar el refugio en la realidad ultima bajo el amor de Radha Krsna , orando por las bendiciones de usted y todo el guruparampada para comprender como despertar y sentir con mi alma, con mi ser.

no se si soy buen devoto, no se si soy buen padre, no se si soy buen hijo, no se si soy buen hermano, no se si soy buen compañero. Siento que estoy en transito y siempre he tomada decisiones con la intención de mejorar mi practica espiritual optando por el proceso que nos dio Srila Prabhupada.

 Mucho dolor mental y físico en este mundo.

 Agradezco y vuelvo a agradecer la oportunidad de tener concienciencia de Krsna para acariciar mi corazón y tener un maestro como usted y la perspectiva amorosa de poder despertar de este sueño.

 es bueno saber que soy neófito para no querer serlo mas necesito salir de sequedad. 

mi fe esta siendo regada por los recuerdos del Dham, de la asociacion de los devotos, de mi ganas de no rendirme y poder vincularme con el verdadero santo nombre.

Gracias Guru dev por paciencia, amor, ejemplo e inspiracion.

su intento de sirviente Ambarisa Das