Que es Misericordia

4 years, 1 month ago by Cruz Santa in Special Category A

Hare Krsna querido Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis rendidas reverencias.

Todas las Glorias sean a nuestro muy misericordioso Srila Prabhupada!

Y Todas las Glorias a Usted querido Gurudeva!

Deseo que su salud se encuentre mejor, lamentamos enterarnos de que su cuerpo ha causado algunos problemas últimamente.    El nuestro es la principal fuente de tormento en estos días, intentamos refugiamos en sus palabras “Tener un cuerpo, es en sí mismo una enfermedad” así que hacemos lo que nos corresponde para cuidar de él y toleramos el resto.

Guru Maharaja, durante las clases recientes de ASA, hemos estudiado la conversación entre Uddhava y Vidura...  Sin duda los pasatiempos de nuestro Señor, nos dejan ver un poco de su magnífico carácter; entre sus innumerables cualidades Su misericordia me parece sobresaliente.

¡Cuán misericordioso es nuestro Señor!...  Él acepta la acción de Putana y la eleva a una posición de madre, pasando por alto la mala intención que ella tenía y por otro lado, en cuanto Lord Indra se arrepiente nuestro Señor lo disculpa de inmediato, a pesar de una mala acción acompañada de la peor intención, Sri Krsna lo acepto amorosamente, sin reparos, sin reproches e incluso lo reprendió en privado, no lo avergonzó...

"Misericordia" es un término que utilizamos frecuentemente, pero ahora pienso en lo lejos que estoy de comprender su significado en su sentido amplio y profundo...

Según leí, misericordia significa "tener un corazón solidario" y se dice que se manifiesta en; amabilidad, ayuda al necesitado, instruir, aconsejar, consolar y confortar pero se manifiesta especialmente en el perdón y la reconciliación... ¡Maravilloso!

Para mí, la misericordia parece ser es una cualidad divina e incomprensible; y ahora observo que cultivarla puede ser muy difícil sin abandonar el apego a la "Así llamada justicia". ¿Es así?

He pensado que algunas veces, cuando hay diferencias entre devotos. La persona que se siente ofendida, pide una sanción para los ofensores - "¡Queremos justicia!” - Y el aparente ofensor también busca justicia (todos tienen sus razones válidas)

Entonces, el maestro espiritual no imparte un castigo (quizá no es la justicia que esperamos)... a cambio ¡él otorga su misericordia, para beneficio de todos! Parece ser que, la decisión de tomarla o no, es nuestra ¿Podría ser así?

¡Es difícil entender la misericordia del Guru! Porque es ilimitada y además ¿quizá requiere de cierto grado de rendición, fe y un poco de inteligencia? 

Gurudeva, muchas gracias por brindarnos su misericordia sin causa de tantas y tantas maneras. Por favor perdóneme por distraerle, quería comentar estos detalles y tratar de entender un poco de esta incomprensible cualidad. Gracias por todo.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Karuna Sakti DD


(Translated by Gaggle) Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva

Please accept my bowed obeisances.

All Glories be to our most merciful Srila Prabhupada!

HpS - ASA - !!

And All Glories to You dear Gurudeva!

I wish your health is better, we are sorry to hear that your body has caused some problems lately. Ours is the main source of torment these days, we try to take refuge in his words “Having a body, is in itself a disease” so we do our part to take care of it and tolerate the rest.

Guru Maharaja, during recent ASA classes, we have studied the conversation between Uddhava and Vidura ... No doubt our Lord's pastimes let us see a little of his magnificent character; Among his innumerable qualities, His mercy seems outstanding to me.

HpS - The Personified Vedas say that this is His foremost quality.

How merciful is our Lord! ... He accepts Putana's action and elevates her to a position of mother, ignoring the evil intention that she had and on the other hand, as soon as Lord Indra repents our Lord excuses him from Immediately, despite a bad deed accompanied by the worst intention, Sri Krsna accepted him lovingly, without qualms, without reproach and even rebuked him privately, did not embarrass him ...

"Mercy" is a term that we use frequently, but now I think about how far I am from understanding its meaning in its wide and deep sense ...

As I read, mercy means "to have a caring heart" and is said to manifest itself in; kindness, helps the needy, instructs, advises, comforts and comforts but it manifests itself especially in forgiveness and reconciliation ... Wonderful!

For me, mercy seems to be a divine and incomprehensible quality; and now I see that cultivating it can be very difficult without giving up the attachment to "so-called justice." Is that so?

HpS - ASA - I remember one story of Harishchandra. He was a King who had to make some decision in his court to kill some criminal. That was the truthfull application of justice, but after so many experiences he came to the conclusion that mercy is the essence of justice, not truth.

I have thought that sometimes when there are differences between devotees. The person who feels offended asks for a sanction for the offenders - "We want justice!" - And the apparent offender also seeks justice (everyone has their valid reasons).

HpS - !

So, the spiritual master does not impart a punishment (perhaps it is not the justice we hope for) ... in return he grants his mercy, for the benefit of all! It seems that the decision to make it or not is ours. Could this be so?

HpS - The question is not clear to us. Krsna is Spiritual Master as Paramatma and He is rewarding and punishing while sitting in our heart. He gives knowledge to the Diksa and external Siksa gurus also, to punish, or not. Yes, if we are not really surrender and only superficially ask for chastisement, then Krsna may not give it, even though we need it, but He chastise as He wants.

It is difficult to understand the mercy of the Guru! Because it is unlimited and also perhaps it requires a certain degree of surrender, faith and a little intelligence?

Gurudeva, thank you so much for giving us your causeless mercy in so many ways. Please forgive me for distracting you, I wanted to comment on these details and try to understand a little of this incomprehensible quality. Thanks for everything.

Your would-be servant

Karuna Sakti DD

HpS - So far you have been a strong example of the proper life and from what we hear a good friend to others.

Go ahead. You will wake up and see everyone in their proper relation to Krsna and laugh about any friends and enemies you had.