DTC Fr(27)

4 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna!

AGTSP. paoho. We are doing pretty well, making advancement in controlling our senses..but Brother Ass, our body, has had very elevated, Pitta, fire, in the body for maybe two weeks now.

It was so bad that we could see that were a prime candidate for throat cancer, and really may have done lasting damage.

We tried different things, even heavy fasting, and that brought it down under control pretty much.

Then we lost control of our Donkey when he was confronted with apple pies and pasta on Thanksgiving day and it raged back up out of control again.

So, we are going into fasting until Sunday and taking Ayur vedic suggestion of doing mandatory menu of hot fennel tea six times a day as a basis and maybe expanding that with some potato/carrot soup in the afternoon.

     It seems that this is marking a change in our body and from here on in we are going to have to be very strict.