Passed Iskcon Disciple Course

4 years, 3 months ago by sriram in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Dandavat pranams. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I have been chanting 16 rounds regularly and have been following the regulative principles. I mentioned in the last letter that i am serving the Atlanta temple by helping them with the monthly Newsletter. I am still doing that maharaj. I am also attending the local bhakti vriksha every friday on Zoom. We are also doing daily Damodar arti on Zoom in our BV.

HpS - Incredible!!

I am also trying to read Srimad Bhagavatam for 15 to 30 minutes everyday and i am currently in the second chapter of 3rd Canto guru maharaj.

HpS - We also!!

I have also passed the ISKCON disciple course. I am attaching the certificate. I am currently waiting for the recommendation letter from ISKCON Atlanta. Because i have been in Atlanta fo just under a year and haven't had much chance to serve the temple directly because of Covid, the temple authorities have asked for a couple of letters of my record of service from previous temples. I have requested those letters from the Chennai temple and the Connecticut temple as those are the two centers under which i have served in the past.

Once i get them, i'll forward them to the Atlanta temple and then subsequently receive the recommendation letter. I am hoping this should happen in the next 15 to 30 days, hopefully.

Tulsi maharani is also growing nicely maharaj.

Your servant

Sriram Arunachalam

HpS - Awk!!! We don't remember previous Blog posts from you. We are either becoming senile or becoming overwhelmed by Asta-sattvika Bhava. Can send links for previous letters. Most important thing is that Krsna knows all these things and He is the original Guru!! Only observation is that we have to have this hour in the morning and evening for SB/BG. Of course it may be 15-minutes of NOD + 15-minutes of CC etc, but it is one of the requirements of Bhakti Yoga. If we don't have this habit then it is like a diet of rice, beans and bread with no beans or something. We will continue with it for a few years and then die. We will continue in Bh. Yoga w/o the full program and then quite and say, "Oh. I treied that and it didn't work for me..". Very sad!! It is a science!

What do you think?