Report Month of Purusottama

4 years, 3 months ago by radhadance in Personal Sadhana Reports

Adored and remembered Gurumaharaja,

Please accept my respectful reverences to your marvelous lotus feet, my refuge in this kali yuga, all the glories to Srila Prabhupada, all the glories to Griste Radamaha Phijari!

I wish that this letter finds you in good health and happy in your marvelous conscience of Krsna. I wish with all my heart to receive your blessings so that in this month of Kartika, I would be able to advance in my conscience of sriramodha.

HpS - What is sriramodha?

Last month I forgot to request your wonderful blessings but I know that it is thanks to you that I get up to mangalarti and have your blessing to always remember Krsna. I ask you to have us in your prayers in order to be able to keep on purifying our existence and reach the yearning goal of life.


This month Gopalito started to wake up early to do Mangalarti with me! I am very happy for this. He drew the altars of Mayapur since we watched many times the altars of Mayapur together. Since then he wants to open the paper curtains and listen to me singing. It is the "puyarati" He is also ready to make gorartik and to open and close the curtains of panchagati and sinisinhared.

In the morning he requested me strongly to read the four books: Nectar of Prabhupada, Srimad Bhagavatam, the teachings of Queen Kunti and Upadesamrta. Then we sing Govindam ari purusam, Sri nama kirtan and Guru Bandana. And these days we are also singing Sri Damodarastakam. Gopal is not quiet until we finish all this and it makes me very happy to see that he is so strictly fulfilling everything.

We are also making Exercises with Hanuman. He wants to make exercises with you, Guru Maharaha and when he sees me rehearsing Manipur he acts as my teacher and "directs" me on how to dance. He has a very strong character but inspires me a lot. This month he made wonderful things with playdough. He molded the six Goswamis just the day of the disappearance of Raghunatha bhata goswami, Raghunatha das goswami and krsnadas kraviraja goswami. He also molded Srila Prabhupada!! It was a huge happiness for me.

Next day he molded you Guru Maharaja and Bhakti Thirta Swami. It was unbelievable because he does everything on his own initiative. In fact every day he makes new and wonderful things. He astonishes us with his abilities. And although he does not allow me to sing and dance during the day, I have faith that same as since in the past he did not get up for mangalarti he will allow me to do it in the future.

He is learning the mantras to grow up. He made Krna Balaram of playdough similar to a Krsna Balaram sent to me by a devotee living in Vrindavan. Then he harvested blackberries and offered them to his playdough deities!!

I am very happy to know that Prabhu Nitai Gaurasundara is fine and recovering.

Radha Dance Academy

In Radhastami I prepared two presentations of the dance school. I am sending here photos to you. What do you think of them? I put "Dance, theather and culture of India". Theater, since when I was thirteen I studied theater with some famous actors in Lima at the Charles Chaplin Academy. I was always taking acting courses. I wanted to study theater as a career but my father didn´t want. He preferred that I studied a career at the university. I chose Communication Sciences which is very alike since I also like to write. Fortunately at the university I also took a free course of theater and some blocks from the university I used to go with devotees to rehearse dance for the temple. So all this was useful for me with the grace of Krnsa.

When I was four or five years old I studied ballet and when I went to college I thought to keep on with ballet and did it, but I realized that Indian dance embodied the two arts which I loved the most: dance and theater, so it was perfect for me!!!  I was so engaged in acting that I participated in a tv drama as extra. I wanted to keep on acting but being a devotee I realized what is bad of being an actress in Peru so I left it.

HpS - Yes, one Yamjuna Devi Dasi told us that she had to kiss men she didn't know. 😛

But it is funny that my first service in the movement of Srila Prabhupada was to perform in "The truth and the Beauty". Y performed the role of Cintamani. Krna pleases His devotees!!

So for all this I included "Theater" as title for the dance school, this is why it is ""Dance, Theater and Culture of India.

Thanks Guru Maharaja for engaging your valuable time in reading this letter. Please forgive whatever offense I may have committed here unknowingly. 

Your intent of disciple who always remember you giving true life to our life, wishing to please your beautiful and noble heart.

Radha japa prati jalpa devi dasi

Please accept reverences of Franco who always remember the teachings which I tell him from You and from Gopalito who also always remembers you. In the globe of the world he points at USA and says: "Hanuman was born there". When he sees a plane he remembers that you went to Peru and when he watches the video of exercises he says "Hanuman went to China to make exercise".

HpS - Our respects to Franco!!! Is he doing any sculpture??