El día más importante para un discípulo

4 years, 1 month ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Calendar Development

Querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Últimamente no he escrito para no robar Su valioso tiempo. Primeramente quiero agradecerle por su misericordiosa asociación por FMP y las clases de ASA que representa una maravillosa oportunidad. Nuestras oraciones a Sri Nrisimhadeva para que siempre le proteja y nos bendiga para dedicar nuestros sentidos al servicio devocional.

Muy feliz porque se aproxima Su Vyasa-puja, el día más importante para un discípulo. De acuerdo al último calculo astrológico la fecha también es el miércoles 13 de Enero del 2021 para México.

Hace algunos días me contactó prabhu Janapavana de Perú , siguiendo sus instrucciones estamos esperando los pasos a seguir para la celebración online.

Los hermanos espirituales están solicitando una reunión general para iniciar los primeros acuerdos, por favor denos Sus bendiciones para glorificar apropiadamente al Guru parampara. Anhelamos tener Su sagrado darshan ese día, en años anteriores hemos solicitado un darshan dedicado a México pero en esta ocasión para no saturar su agenda pensamos que podemos tener buenos acuerdos con Perú que bondadosamente nos han considerado, en este país si se pueden realizar reuniones en el templo , veremos las opiniones de los hermanos teniendo en cuenta los protocolos de salud y opciones, de cualquier manera tenemos un chat de grupo en Messenger desde el 2014 más o menos por donde siempre estamos en contacto para estos temas importantes.

Esperamos saber que desea Usted para este vyasa-puja por favor. De acuerdo a la experiencia tenemos un tiempo apropiado para no correr y actuar en bondad con entusiasmo en este sagrado servicio.

Gurumaharaja el día anterior Martes 12 es su cumpleaños, por favor podemos tener un darshan especial ese día ? Quizás podemos solicitar un tema especial el Martes en español 7:00 pm?

Le agradezco mucho por todo lo que nos da, la deuda con Usted es lo más delitable que puede existir, es lo único que me hace pensar en pagar " vida tras vida" , soy neofita y sigo pensando en la liberación de esta condición material pero el bhakti le sigue a la liberación, tengo esperanzas?

Encontré una foto en Facebook, parece una foto de 1996, Vyasa-puja con Su presencia en Chosica. Ese día fue muy especial, después de más de 30 horas despierta me quedé dormida de pie decorando un dulce y este no se arruinó! :) fue un poder místico producto del servicio al devoto puro. Ese día se inició madre Madhumanjari.

Le agradezco muchísimo Gurumaharaja por mantenernos conectados a Srila Prabhupada.

Disculpe mis ofensas por favor.

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd.


Dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I have not written lately so as not to steal Your valuable time. First of all I want to thank you for your compassionate partnership with FMP and the ASA classes which represents a wonderful opportunity. Our prayers to Sri Nrisimhadeva to always protect you and bless us to dedicate our senses to devotional service.

Very happy because His Vyasa-puja is approaching, the most important day for a disciple. According to the latest astrological calculation, the date is also Wednesday, January 13, 2021 for Mexico.

A few days ago I was contacted by Prabhu Janapavana from Peru, following his instructions we are waiting for the steps to follow for the online celebration.

Godbrothers are requesting a general meeting to initiate the first agreements, please give us Your blessings to properly glorify the Guru parampara. We long to have His sacred darshan that day, in previous years we have requested a darshan dedicated to Mexico but this time, in order not to saturate their agenda, we think that we can have good agreements with Peru that they have kindly considered us, in this country if meetings can be held in the temple, we will see the opinions of the brothers taking into account the health protocols and options, in any case we have a group chat on Messenger since 2014 more or less where we are always in contact for these important issues.

We hope to know what you want for this vyasa-puja please. According to experience we have an appropriate time not to run and act in kindness with enthusiasm in this sacred service.

Gurumaharaja the day before Tuesday the 12th is his birthday, can we please have a special darshan that day? Maybe we can request a special topic on Tuesday in Spanish at 7:00 pm?

HpS - That class has been changed to Monday. It is two months until this program, no? 😀 Situation is so unstable in the material world that we may have to make changes. I suggested in the Blog Post from Janapavana Das (https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/11773/) that we have a shorter program in the evening on Wednesday 13th and then a longer program during the day on Saturday. Is that a good idea? We can have a few different programs over a few days about Guru-tattva! It would be nice.

I thank you very much for everything you give us, the debt with you is the most delicate thing that can exist, it is the only thing that makes me think about paying "life after life", I am a neophyte and I keep thinking about the liberation of this material condition but bhakti follows liberation, am I hopeful?

HpS - We keep falling into sense gratification (popsicles and cookies) but fight it when we do and then try to get back up and do service when the mode of goodness is more prominent and become pure devotees, so that the qualities that we see in each other are mostly Krsna's mercy, no?

I found a photo on Facebook, it looks like a photo from 1996, Vyasa-puja with His presence in Chosica. That day was very special, after more than 30 hours awake I fell asleep standing up decorating a sweet and it was not ruined! :) It was a mystical power product of service to the pure devotee. That day mother Madhumanjari was initiated.

Thank you very much Gurumaharaja for keeping us connected to Srila Prabhupada.

Excuse my offenses please.

Your eternal would-be servant

Asta Sakhi dd.

HpS - How is the Mansaranjana Das???