Class by Zoom for Dominican Republic

4 years, 2 months ago by mukunda in Calendar Development

Class by Zoom for Dominican Republic

2 hours ago by mukunda in Calendar Development

Hare krsna !

dear maharaj please accept my most humble and respectful obedience, all glories to Srila prabhupad.  

I am mukunda madhava das Disciple of Srila Virabahu Maharaj, I live in the Dominican Republic.  

We have a study circle and I would  like to have your association through a class by zoom and fb. 

In terms of your previous questions about the participants: 😀 I am not going to answer that we are uttama Adhikari. We are practitioners and with your blessings we will continue to assist you in your service to Srila Prabhupada.

Once I had the opportunity to listen to you in a class in Argentina and my desire to serve increased, thank you dear Maharaj.

So, yes your class will be November 17, this is Tuesday to 6:30 pm my time and your time 4:30 pm.

Your topic will be: Practice Loving God in the Conditioned Stage

Your servant: mukunda madhava das.

Hare Krsna

HpS - ASA - Thank you. It is on our calendar. Please send the Zoom link. The Topic is very nice. It sounds like you are refering to Sadhana Bhakti: Vaidhi Bhakti and Raga-anuga Bhakti. Correct?