Re : Application for post in ASA-3

4 years, 2 months ago by harsh_horse in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

previous letter

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO,AGTSP

Dear Sir,


i] can you elaborate on " ASA Encyclopedia" ?

ASA - Let's get Category A and B edited each fortnight. to start?

ii] Does UG/TB/HpS change the "letter type" of every letter when they feel mismatch between content and "letter type" provided by user.

ASA - No, just some times. They edit spelling etc. also, a little.

iii] why [Why] did HH typed [type] "Sannyasa, Sannyasa, Sannyasa" in previous letter. I dont [don't] think we can get it in ISKCON, in current circumstances.

ASA - "To achieve the highest success in life by becoming a gosvāmī and then a pure devotee of the Lord, one must follow the instructions known as Upadeśāmṛta, which have been given by Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī." This is from Preface to NOI. Is nice, no? We must all do this kind of work. Yes, if we can formally take Sannyasa that is good! ISKCON is functional. As we develop the substance, really become Goswamis then the formalities in ISKCON follow. Not perfectly, but they follow.

iv]why did HH attached images of Cats in previous letter.

ASA - H.H. Didn't Tom Brown did it. He likes cats!

v] Parikshit talent include musics instrumental, deity worship.

ASA - Guitar? Writes music. This is link to very good song about Tennessee the feelings about the history and culture here. Musicians can do so much!!!

Raja guna? Dovetail it with Krsna!!

vi] He and his mother does not stay with us, we have not talked to them on phone or video conf or SMS ,for over 2 months.

ASA - Well, is about time to say, hello!


grateful animal

HpS !!!!! You are going back to godhead!!!!! Edit the posts for a couple of fortnights.