Personal Sadhana - Daily Activities

4 years, 3 months ago by divya in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances, All glories to you. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Guru Maharaj, hope your health is fine...wish to see you soon in Dallas and get an opportunity to serve you one more time.

Guru Maharaj please forgive me for not writing to you for the last two months...

I have been following four regulative principles and chanting 16 rounds and by your causeless mercy doing some sewa in the temple. We have sewa every wednesday and thursday. So we are lucky enough that we get chance to take darshan twice a week. It has been a year now I have been doing tulasi sewa in the temple. Despite the flaws in me she is so so merciful and it feels as if she is reciprocating.

Tulasi Maharani at our house is also doing well, hope we take good care of her in winter. Now we have two tulasi pots and few small ones are comming up. We try to take good care of her.

HpS - We hear She likes

  1. Association
  2. Warmth
  3. Sunlight
  4. Water.

Guru Maharaj thank you for the reply of the previous letter. In the previous letter ( you had asked me my Civil name and date of birth. My Civil Name is Divya Iyer and my date of birth is 26th September 1989.

HpS - We found them, but still have not posted them because we are evil! (and old (and stupid [but pretty happy with association of devotees like you all])) 😎

Guru Maharaj we got the DTC Book and the Prasadam which you had sent for us. I felt so fortunate and happy that my spiritual master is so merciful that he remembers and sends somethings to his disciples. Many devotees here share their experiences with their spiritual masters and relish...i was not able to understand their feelings... But when I got the parcel from you...i was on cloud nine and still relish what you had sent. Thank you so much for so much mercy upon us Guru Maharaj. It is so nice to feel that we are always under the protection of such merciful spiritual master.

We have finished studying 19 chapters of Nectar of Devotion for Bhakti Shastri course, and soon in couple of weeks we will be having our exam. After completing Nectar of Devotion we will be doing last book Bhagavad Gita.

HpS - It is just our personal taste, but we like doing NIO, ISO, BG, then NOD. For BhVai we can do NOD Southern section! Really is practical development for our service.

We are also regularly reading Bhagavatam Canto 4, and we have completed Chapter 12 and will be starting Chapter 13. We have started reading Bhagavad Gita second time, though not on regular basis.

ASA - SB 4.12. - Is interesting seeing how Producer, Director understand Dhruva Maharaja.


Guru Maharaj, please let me know if I could be of any help for you in editing "Japa Joe". I would be fortunate to do it and be of some help to you.

HpS - Aaaah! We thought you had already started. Please think about how it can be edited as a little book to help Lord Caitanya's Sankirtan. We can adjust it a lot. We could do other books:

  1. Return of Japa Joe.
  2. Japa Joe Goes to Harvard.
  3. Japa Joes Last Japa.
  4. Son of Japa Joe.

Please always keep me in your service Guru Maharaj.

Yours eternal servant

Divya Sri Devi Dasi.

HpS - Thank you. Our respects to Their Lordships!