Baladeva & Subhadra

4 years, 4 months ago by jagatbd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja PAMHO AGTSP! How are you doing? regarding your last question, well I can´t relate my teaching to Krishna, I wish I could, but I continue doing my work and maybe parents can perceive something different.

HpS - In BG, Chapter Ten, Arjuna asks Krsna how ordinary man can know God. He is the taste in water, the light of the sun, the shark, the lion. You can give stories about lions to your students etc.!

Baladeva and Subhadra are living with me, both are studying high school, Subhadra is learning how to play the piano and violin and Baladeva is drawing and learning how to tattoo. I may associate with somebody else, who knows, that may help my Krishna conciousness or it could send me to hell!

HpS - ISKCON Hell. Temple President JB JSWD, Vice-President - Baladeva, Treasurer -Subhadra!

Prabhu Urjesvara used to tell me the great things Hamsadutta did in San Francisco because he was serving him personally, so he said he had such a great power!

I attached some photos I took in 1995 and another you gave me from Raktak prabhu and others.

your servant,

Jagat Bandhu Jagannatha Swami dasa

HpS -- Thank you!!! Hello, to Bala and Subhadra. We still have Baladeva's Dragon Picture.