Guru Prasad Swami s vyasapuja

4 years, 3 months ago by sarahii in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna

Please accept My humble obeysances

The date is this november 8th.

Thanks regards

Your servant Amara das


AgtSP!!!! Paoho.

We tried to record a small offering to Maharaja on the day of his Vyasapuja, but got defeated by several circumstances. One is that our computer crashed and we won't get all the programs re-installed until today.

We were thinking a lot about our experiences with Maharaja.

We met him many years ago, maybe 25-when we were both visiting the Dallas Temple. We talked about bringing our Manipur troupe to Mexico.

After that I visited Mexico and was preaching with Maharaja.

Of course, in administration Srila Prabhupada comments that we will have conflicts with our closest friends, but that is the nature of politics, and the real test of our relationship is how we are developing our friendships behind the administration.

Maharaja is always kind to me as a friends and I hope that he feels the same way toward me.

We have the same natures in many ways, and same viewpoints on practical service.

For maybe ten years I have seen Maharaja working on the GBC and I am amazed at how much determined and expert work he does, his humility, determination.

Please try to get us into this media work as you can in the future.

Your very humble servants,

Hanumatpresaka Swami - Anjana Suta Academy