Santiago Searchlight

4 years, 3 months ago by ramanretidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Goura Nitay

Todas las gloria a Srila Prabhupada

Hare krishna, Gurudev, comienzo este reporta contándole que estoy bien regule mi sueño. hace un tiempo comenze hacer yoga para este burro débil con el tema de la pandemia no he hecho natación lo extraño mucho pero ya vendrá, así que el yoga ha sido un aliado para fortalecer mi cuerpo. Además de esto sigo con mi predica por teléfono leyendo la biografía de Srila Prabhupada y el upadesambrta a 7 chicas muy contenta resolviendo sus dudas y preguntado como están dos veces por semana, sigo trabajando con tres pequeños lecto escritura con pawerpoint a travez de zoom, mi familia muy bien todos muy favorables para hacer mi programa en casa con mis deidades. En este mes de Damodar con p Lakshman comenzamos hacer nuestro programa levantandonos como siempre a las tres de la mañana para cantar nuestras rondas, lectura del CC leo yo p. Laksmana escucha, luego Magalarati con usted en la tarde seis treinta mechita con la canción luego p Lakshman lee traducción, Bg antes de descansar (nueve de noche mía) leo el krishna book y el prabhu escucha. a pesar de la distancia tenemos un buen programa diario a través del teléfono

muchas gracias por su atención espero estar haciendo una buena predica por Srila Prabhupada, con sus bendiciones todo mejorará se despide su humilde sirviente Raman Reti devi dasi


All glories to Goura Nitay

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krishna, Gurudev, I begin this report by telling you that I am fine with regulating my sleep.

Some time ago I started doing yoga for this weak donkey with the theme of the pandemic I have not done swimming I miss it a lot but it will come, so yoga has been an ally to strengthen my body.

In addition to this, I continue with my preaching by phone reading the biography of Srila Prabhupada and the NoI to 7 girls, very happy, solving their doubts and asked how they are twice a week, I continue working with three small reading writing with powerpoint through zoom, my family very well all very favorable to do my program at home with my deities. In this month of Damodar with p Lakshman we started doing our program by getting up as usual at three in the morning to sing our rounds, CC reading .I read I p. Laksmana listen, then Mangalarati with you, in the afternoon, six thirty, Mechita with the song then p Lakshman reads translation, Bg before resting (nine at night of mine) I read the krishna book and the prabhu listens. despite the distance we have a good daily program over the phone

Thank you very much for your attention, I hope I am doing a good preaching for Srila Prabhupada, with your blessings everything will improve.

your humble servant, Raman Reti devi dasi, says goodbye.


AGTSP p a o h o ...... There cannot be any better program! Krsna will do the magic. Of course, it may be something very private or public. We hear that Srila Bh. Vinod. Th. said that if you can do your service your whole life and no one even notices what you are doing, that pure devotional service.

Who are the Seven Ladies? Can we see a little bio-data from them? What is the goal of life?