Hare Krsna Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Maharaja from what I understand, love of Godhead, Krsna prema, awakens by constant absorption in the pastimes of Vrindavan. Only by constant hearing of this transcendental realm can we catch a glimpse of the perfected state of the living being.
HpS - AGTSP Yes, and the stages are described in the NOD, no? Vaidhi Bhakti, Raganuga Bhakti, Bhava Bhakti . . . !! Prema Bhakt !!! (AWAKE!)
In Vaidhi we see Radha Krsna as Deities and the altar as Vrndavana and we keep it clean. Then we see that they are Spiritual (Brahmana), then we get inspiration in detail from Them and see Their mood (Goswami), then we talk with Them (Saksi Gopal). Correct.
Srila Prabhodananda Saraswati Thakur describes, “I meditate on the fair and dark complexioned divine young couple, who are absorbed in ecstatic love for each other and who are singing melodiously together under the tall, huge, kadamba trees filled with many flowers on the banks of the Kalindi River.”
- Sri Vrindavan Mahimamrta Sataka 15 Text 98
I feel it is important for us practicing devotees to know that our goal is not just to follow rules and regulations but to actually attain spontaneous loving attraction to Radha & Krsna in Vrindavan. This is achieved only by taking shelter of Srimati Radharani.
HpS - I agree. It can be like having a free vacation from Chicago in the Winter to Hawaii. Then you have to come back... but now you know where you want to live. By Lord Caitanya's mercy we can get a taste of Prema that even a Lord Brahma might not get!!! ... but then we come back and have to do Karma-misra(mixed)-bhakti yoga ie. stop smoking, chant on beads.. as we advancing karma-misra, jnana-misra, dhyana-misra... we always keep the lighthouse in mind, and sometimes we may get little undeserving visits there as we advance, (https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/1/6/22/), but high thoughts and practical work?
“The golden effulgence emanating from Sri Radha’s bodily limbs covers the ten directions. She drowns both spiritual and material objects in the ocean of Her transcendental beauty. In this way She is always supremely glorious.”
Sakata Seven, Text 93
I pray to the most merciful Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu for an ounce of mercy to understand and approach these Himalayan topics.
Is my understanding correct?
Eagerly awaiting your comments or corrections.
Your insignificant servant,
Bhakti Sastra Das
HpS - ASA - We added our little thoughts above. Are they correct from your point of view? See another letter from you... :>>> We want VERY much to fit Vrindavana Dhama Mahimamrta (VDM) into our hearing and chanting.