Hare krishna

4 years, 2 months ago by krishna swarup das in Personal Sadhana Reports
Hare Krsna! Esteemed Krsna-svarupa Das, it is so nice to get message from you, but there id no content! We could not answer immediately because we are struggling with a lot of work and because we are selfish and evil. 😎
All of us in this world are selfish and evil except for the avataras, no?
Tungavidya Devi Das sent two fotos of the progress of the ASA ashrama at Radha-kunda. What an exciting place. Everyone has their external form there, but internally are they all engaged in different work for the different 8-sakhi. Lot to do.
Your video of mosquitos is very interesting. We need to find what food we need to eat so that we have a smell they won't like. no?