Report to Dr. Samaresh

4 years, 3 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Sent to Dr. Samaresh. 2020 Oct 28

"Thank you for news Professor. Yes, Iwrote that letter to you in May. But there was no postal service to India at that time. So I gave it to Thanu Subrahmanian (Tandavika Das) when he went to India first of this month to attend to urgent affairs.

Go to know that PKD is pushing the book security.

Afte pushing, pushing, pushing, we finally got all the douments for the annual meeting signed and collected by the Secretary.

Now....  we finally got a final draft copy of the next issue of 'Solaris' from Abhirama and Prof. Miguel in Peru. I have discussed it with Abhiseka, our new NIIOS President, and NgD's son. Abhi. is quite enthusiastic and competent for NIOS. I will send him the copy of Solaris and in can serve as a backbone for discussusion on NIOS.

We will then organize a coloquia of all of us to duscuss the Mission/Vision for ISKCONand then head toward more practical goals.

No news from Dhurva Das about visiting Professor Mabbit. Also, need to transfer money from Sri Hari Das to Nila-kamal for our lare debt to your good self.

That is our general news now.

Allergy is little undercontrol.

Ants have gone and mice have come. Our auto has died but maybe we can get it working. 🙏🦍🙏"