Reply: Reorganizing Daily SB Classes

4 years, 4 months ago by srinivasacarya in Calendar Development

Respected Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I just read this letter from mother Isvari devi dasi: It is very nice to see how humble Spanish devotee men are, they simply hear Srimad Bhagavatam and are gentle in dealings.

I personally think you should not give up speaking on Mondays. Pre-pandemic days I used to relish hearing you almost daily in English but eventually you started delegating your days. May be Fridays, Spanish devotee men speak three Fridays a month and I can do once a month if you feel it is appropriate. Other than Harsh Prabhu and my family, there are rarely any Non Spanish devotees attending on that day. My only request is let there be English translation on that day. I would like to hear from regular attendees like Abhiram Thakur Prabhu, Lakshmanagraja Prabhu and so on.

Also, now you are doing Hawaii class only once a month, may be we should have Thursday sessions as well?

Your insignificant servant

Srinivasacarya dasa

ASA - AGTSP. Please organize the Friday classes. They seem nice. We seem to be locked into BOEX meetings at the time of class, but like to listen to the recordings later.

Thursday is nice for me to listen to other senior devotees giving classes!