
4 years, 2 months ago by jagatbd in Special Category B

Hare krishna, Guru Maharaja, PAMHO. AGTSP!

How have you been doing? I hope you are fine and with good health.

HpS - Struggling with our lower modes to be fixed in the mode of pure goodness. Don't eat at night.

I´m fine, I´ve been listening to some of your classes, not all because of my work schedule. The other day you said that Socrates, Plato, and Shakespeare would be happy to read Srila Prabhupada´s Books.

But he´s got some ideas from them, for example the allegory of the cave and the enlightenment, the allegory of the horses and the senses, those ideas are from Socrates. Besides that they were big scholars and philosophers, so, What would make them happy?

HpS - I don't know the details of the history of these allegories but I have read that Aesops Fables are a collection of previous Fables and that, yes, some probably came from the East. The senses as five horses I think is in the Vedas before Socrates. They could appreciate the clarity of the logic in the Bhagavatam, and how it presents a mono-theistic culture, God, is a very logical and poetical way if they want to go from Jnanis, Yogis, to Bhaktas.

How does a link with the guru is broken and who decides that bound to be broken? God, the guru or the disciple? Did you ever broke the link to Hamsadutta prabhu? I mean, after his fall from sannyas? Just wandering. Because if the guru fall one should take shelter or reinforce the sannyas vows right? It must be debastating but, life must continues, and there are many good devotees surrendered to the Acharya. I just have those questions in mind, nothing useful to say. Life is full of challenges, sometimes even god-brothers or god-sisters envy is dangerous.

HpS - First thing is my relationship with Srila Prabhupada. I can judge different people as Sannyasa guru, Siksa gurus, now they increase my relationship with Srila Prabhupada, through people, books. rituals, dreams. So, ISKCON GBC rule was to take shelter of another ISKCON Sannyasa Guru if you wanted to stay in Sannysa ashrama. I really didn't want to take Sannyasa in the beginning. Too many formalities, but Hansadutta Swami was pushing us and he was a very advanced person and ISKCON was pushing it. Then when his problems became manifest I was thinking, "Oh, chance to return to simple B'cari life but B. S. Damodara Swami, Trivikrama Swami, Ramesvara Swami, Tripurari Swami, Atreya-rsi Das all said, that no, you took the vows and you will be a good Sannyasi so stay in the Ashrama.

Hmmf. I did it. I don't have any less love for Hansadutta Das. He is very much in my heart. The relationship just increases. I don't think Srila Prabhupada has rejected him. He is still offering him opportunity to come to him. Probably even in the next life.

How is Hanuman and Nrisinhadeva + Prahlad?

HpS - They just went to sleep. They both have shoes and Hanuman is beside them. They are so beautiful!!

Your foolish servant,

Jagat Bandhu Jagannatha Swami dasa

HpS - Are you teaching? How is it related to spiritual life? What is going on with the Baladeva, Subhadra et al?