Public apologies

4 years, 4 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


Well, first of all. Thanks for this public blog in which we can express our ideas, feelings, etc

Recently, I had some misunderstandings with some "Godbrothers and sisters". And today I was contemplating those situations while I was meditating. With gem therapy we meditate a lot, plus it is good to release stress etc.

Anyway. I came to the conclusion that all of that was based on my huge false ego. Besides I am a teacher and I tend to see life and specially places of meetings and reunions like a classroom, So I have the necessity to say : "This is wrong", do it like this, do it like that. I tend to be a little controlling and forget what you always say: "If SP put up with all the things that I did, how come I can not tolerate you". So some devotees took it in a wrong way. I apologized but I guess that they need some time to process that, like everyone. Including myself.

This social media is very risky in some ways, it controls us. Another way that Maya tricks us.

HpS - Hector Behar said that it is actually more anti-social media than social media!

I have decided to stay away of all that. like Patraka, Madhumanjari dd, they are not in any groups of facebook, etc. It is pretty intense sometimes.

Even if I have more years attending your online programs I am no one to tell anybody how to behave or chant.

HpS - No, you have good advice to give. We are all learning how to preach. After each incarnation Krsna and Balarama consider how it went this time and how to improve. Of course The Evil One and The Witch also have meetings how to do their job better next time, no? 😎

I just want to do this public.

HpS - Public, semi-public, circle of friends ... you and Srila Prabhupada and God in your closet. We have to learn how to speak, teach, learn, in different environments.

I beg and ask for forgiveness if someone feel some harsh on my words and comportment.

It is better to do our sadhana, etc without being exposure. For instance, Jambavan das called me the other day, he is listening your classes, but he doesn't know how to use Gotomeeting I gave him some advices about the platform. Nevertheless, my point is that for the devotees in general he is not too fixed in devotional service, but he is doing his sadhana without telling the world, umm in one point he should communicate with you, but my point is that he is not showing off anything.

Gita govinda says today in one of his talks "When we criticize others we diminish our enthusiasm" I really liked what he said.

HpS - Unless it is as a well wisher. In BG, where?, Srila Prabhupada says that to communicate that someone is a thief with the intention that people can be protected from him and even to help him is not bad criticism. Arjuna was shooting arrows, 457-magnum bullets, at his grandfather, cousins. sifu. That is about as critical as you can get.

Thanks Gurudeva

Trying to be your disciple

Candramukhi d. d.

HpS - Thank you!!!! Any news from your father and mother? Are they gods and goddess in Indra loka? Wild bunnys in Brazil?? Our respects to your sister!