Hare Krishna

4 years, 4 months ago by Adi Yajña Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja

All Glory to Srila Prabhupada !!

Obeisances at His lotus feet

I haven't written to you for a long time, the modalities are very strong with me.

This year has been incredible, where to start ... I was in India for the third Time, second Trip with my Mother, She Likes India and the Devotees in her process, and She is grateful to the Devotees. We were a month of Pilgrimage to Different Holy Places of diverse traditions (Amritsar, Golden Temple, HAridwar and Rishikesh, there we were able to associate every day with the devotees and the program of SS Indradyumna Maharaja, After Bodhgaya, where Buddha reached the enlightenment) from there we continued to Mayapur and we had 7 very beautiful days, the whole trip by train, ... then we had to stay two months of isolation in Mayapur, the devotees assisted us with facilities, for food and the hotel, we were in the Gada Bhavan. After the Embassy of Argentina organized a Charter Flight from Delhi and they sent us to Argentina, We traveled three days by Bus from Mayapur to Delhi, with all India closed, A Unique experience.

ASA - Such an incredible story. Surprised your mother wasn't exhausted.

When we arrived in Argentina they sent us to Rio Negro and we were in isolation for 15 days, now only Social distancing, here there is no public transport (Arg) so I was stranded these months, there are already a lot I arrived on May 22, now doing a Little Carpentry below I send you some photos

I gave some Classes, one for the Mother Govinda Yoga Center (The Loft) on Cosmogonia Vedica

They also invited me to give a class On Krishna Consciousness, A Franciscan Monk, for those aspiring to monastic life in His temples (I know this Monk of Interrigious Dialogues, we have made a good friendship, I gave him a Bhagavad Gita. , and he gave me a Book On Saint Francis),

HpS - Very nice. Have your read, seen, the book, Imitation of Christ?

And now I'm organizing another class for Wednesday for Mother Govinda. I learned to use power-point, being here.

HpS - It is really nice. It is nice way to organize your thoughts and then you can be very flexible with how you present it to the audience.

We continue with the Study of Astrology ... already ending one or two more months

Four principles good, 16 rounds (not the best, as I can, but completed) Worship Good

I miss the association very much, the spiritual life is Sadhu Sanga, at the same time the Mercy of Krishna allows me to stay

Always in constant dialogue with the devotees of Govardana (Sierra de los Padres), and planning to travel there when transport is enabled,

Yesterday I spoke with Panca Tattva Prabhu, so we are organizing for her to travel to Govardan (SP) in late November early December,.

I hope You are very well, Thank you for So Much Mercy, which I cannot put into words, but I thank you for being able to live them.

May this letter find you Very well Guru Maharaja, always wishing you the best

At Your Service Your Adi Yajña Das

HpS - Is so fantastic. Thank you! How is The Bharata? What was your father's reaction being a Brahmacari while your Mother was traveling? All I can say is, "Go on, go on". With the chanting, reading and contact with devotees you can only become more and more engaged in your immediate and eternal service and expand it!!! Very best of luck in your Sankirtan. Let us know how it goes so we can steal some ideas!

Carta en Español

Hare Krishna Querido Guru Maharaja

Toda Gloria a Srila Prabhupada!!

Reverencias a Sus pies de loto

Hace mucho tiempo que no le escribo, las modalidades están muy fuerte conmigo, este año es increíble,por donde empezar ...

Estuve en India por tercera Vez, segundo Viaje con mi Madre,a Ella Le Gusta India y los Devotos, En Su proceso, y Ella esta agradecida a los Devotos. Nosotros estuvimos un mes de Peregrinaje por Diferentes Lugares Santo de tradiciones diversas( Amritsar, templo de oro, HAridwar y Rishikesh, ahi nos pudimos asociar todos los dias con los devotos y el programa de S.S. Indradyumna Maharaja,Después Bodhgaya, donde Budha alcanazo la iluminacion) de ahí seguimos a Mayapur y tuvimos 7 días muy Lindos, Todo el Viaje en Tren ,... después nos tuvimos que quedar dos meses de Aislamiento en Mayapur, Los devotos nos Asistieron con facilidades, para la comida y el Hotel, nosotros estábamos en el Gada Baban. Después LA Embajada de Argentina organizo un Vuelo Charter desde Delhi y nos enviaron a Argentina, Viajamos tres dias en Bus desde Mayapur a Delhi, con toda India cerrada,Una Única experiencia.

Cuando llegamos a la Argentina nos enviaron a Rio Negro y estuvimos en aislamiento 15 dias, ahora solo distanciamiento Social, aquí no hay transporte publico(Arg) así que quede varado estos meses, ya son un montón llegue el 22 de mayo, haciendo ahora un poco de Carpinteria abajo le envio unas fotos

Di algunas Clases, una para el Centro de Yoga de la Madre Govinda(El Loft)sobre Cosmogonia Vedica

Tambien me invitaron a Dar una clase Sobre La conciencia de Krishna, Un Monje Franciscano, para los aspirantes a la vida monastica en Sus templos( Conozco a Este Monje de los Dialogos Interrrigiosos,hemos hecho una buena amistad, Le di de Presente un Bhagavad Gita, y el me regalo un Libro Sobre San Francisco), Y ahora estoy organizando otra clase para el Miercoles para Madre Govinda. Aprendi a Usar powerpoint, estando aca.

Seguimos con el Estudio de Astrologia... ya finalizando uno o dos meses mas

Cuatro principios bien, 16 rondas(no las mejores, como pueda, pero completadas)Adoracion Bien

Extraño mucho la asociacion, la Vida espiritual es Sadhu Sanga.a la vez la Misericordia de Krishna Me permite Mantenerme

Siempre en Dialogo constante Con los Devotos de Govardan(Sierra de los Padres), y planificando viajar para alla cuando el transporte se habilite,

Ayer hable con Panca Tattva Prabhu, asi que nos estamos organizando para que viaje para Govardan(SP) a finales de Noviembre principios de Diciembre,

Espero Se encuentre Muy Bien, Gracias por Tanta Misericordia,la cual no puedo poner en palabras, mas le agradezco por poder vivirlas.

Que esta carta lo encuentre Muy bien Guru Maharaja, siempre deseandole lo mejor

a Su Servicio Su Adi Yajña Das