Entangled but alive

4 years, 4 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


Gurudeva, even if I work in two universities and now teachers are overloaded with more work. I can say that I am doing quite well.

For instance, the university asked me to be a full time professor but I refuse. It is important to make a balance in life. So that, I can have time to other activities like cooking for Krsna and then with my sister we take prasadam. She is a vegetarian by force jajaja she does not how to cook so, she almost never eats meat. She has to buy it, and mostly she eats chicken not meat.

HpS - Tell her that I warned her that if she pays for people to kill chickens then in her next life she will be born as Colonel Sanders!

My deities at home are so gorgeoous it is very nice to take care of Them.

ASA - Designer clothes?

As I told you I was asked to give a speech about Anxiety. I did it. It was 70% successful. It is very sad to see how people in general think that you are crazy if you asked them to meditate to comtemplate,and when you tell them YOU ARE NOT YOUR JOB, breath, take a pause. SOme receive my message others just continue the way they are. Stressed, and their lives are job centered.

ASA - Donkeys smoking cigarettes.

My gem therapies are ok, I have a full set of gems of top -notch quality. I gave some therapies by distance with mantras and meditation and others in person.

I also go to therapy to my right knee. I have chondromalacia.

ASA - You must be very proud to have a disease with such a big, Latin name!

Nevertheless, I do not feel discouraged. I accept it and move on.

Regarding FMP leading kirtan SUNDAY is covered: Rohini kumar das, Parasurama das and Priyasakhi dd (from chile also) So we have two gentleman and 2 ladies. Let's see how it works. I have already explain how to do it as you requested me.

Ulyses is getting old but he is the strongest at home, he gets along pretty well with my cat "Peregrino"

Thanks Gurudeva

See you in FMP

Trying to be your disciple


Asa - Thank you. Tom Brown devi donkey. Are there girls kung fu clubs near you?