Sarad-gaurangi DD's Manipur

4 years, 4 months ago by Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All glories to HH Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaj!! Please accept our humble obeisances at Your lotus feet.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

We pray that this letter finds you in the most blissful state.

HpS - I also pray the same for me and you!

We have installed Sri Hanumanji outside the temple complex of Sri Radha Damodara Mandir, Toubul. Resting coolly under the shades of the banyan tree, our Hanuman gives us a glorious darshan. The local devotees tell us that under this banyan tree HH Bhakti Svarup Damodara Swami used to sit and rest. We will be celebrating Tirubhav on 26th....

HpS - That is Tin goswami Samadhi, no? Now it is char goswami samadhi. I was there in Radha kunda when the celebration happened. Very happy, very sad. Even now, today is 26th.

Last tuesday on Parama Ekadashi our uncle left his physical body. HG Ramanuja Prabhuji and HG Jai Bhima Prabhuji chanted Gopala sahasranama, Gajendra Moksha and BG chapter 8 day before Ekadasi. He was still conscious that time. Aunt chanted Harinaam till the last few moments before he left. On the day he left ,we kept on his lips charan tulsi offered at the lotus feet of Sri Govindaji, read BG chapter 8 and Sri Gopala sahasranama. He made a loud sound before he left. My aunt is bewildered by the sound coming from his mouth. She wants to know what that meant.

HpS - Good question. Maybe just the sound of the prana leaving the body through the lips. Is very exalted way to leave!

We have been selected to be a member of the Sri Govindajee Temple board. Guru Maharaj can we serve Sri Govindajee by being a member of the board? We were taken by surprise by the turn of these events.

HpS - As far as we know it is fine. Just be happy. Lao Tzu gives us advice that can be taken as: The Emperor should control the function of the empire the same way a beggar would cook his one chapati.

Continuing to read Krsna book with father. He enjoys the pastimes so much. We usually read after the SB. Father keeps referring to Krsna as Butter thief.....keeps telling....lets read that Butter Thief's leela....

HH Bhakti Vyasa Tirtha Swami Maharaj is not in the best of physical health. All of 94 years, chanting ardently all the time. We will miss Maharaj a lot ...last time when we went for getting darshan of Maharaj, HH laughed at us and said...' like Chitrangada.....'

Guru Maharaj...merciful dear Gurudev...we seek your mercy to chant our rounds blissfully ....more and more. Thank you so much for changing our lives.

Your insignificant servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - Thank you for all the wonderful news. We hope the Samadhi ceremony is more and more glorious. We will have one in our community also.