KDPC (Santa Teresa de Jesús)

4 years, 3 months ago by jayanta in Special Category A

Hare Krisna Gurudev: Pamho.

Leyendo una parte del libro "Cuentas de Conciencia" de Santa Teresa de Jesús" (Ávila) en el Capitulo 44 (traducido del Castellano Antiguo) dice:

Cuentas de Conciencia 44

2. “Súbitamente me vino un recogimiento con una luz interior tan grande que me parecía estar en otro mundo, y hallose mi espíritu dentro de sí, en una floresta y huerta muy deleitosa, tanto que me hizo recordar de lo que se dice en el Cantar de los Cantares: Veniat dilectus meus in hortum suum – venga Él, mi amado, a Su huerto y coma sus delicadas frutas”.

“Vi allí, en este Elíseo (lugar delicioso donde van las grandes almas), un joven negruzco con una extraña belleza; encima de su cabeza tenía como una guirnalda, que no corona, de gran pedrería, y muchas doncellas que andaban allí con Él, con ramos en las manos, todas en cánticos de alabanzas de Dios. Yo no hacía sino abrir los ojos para no distraerme y no me era posible quitar la atención de ello”.

“Había allí una música de ángeles y canto de pajaritos, de la que el alma gozaba, aunque yo con los oídos físicos no lo escuchaba, más el alma, estaba en aquel deleite. Yo miraba como no había allí ningún otro hombre ”.

3. “Esto duró más de hora y media –que no podía apartar mi vista ni mi atención, y con gran deleite, cosa diferente de otras visiones; y lo que de allí saqué fue más amor a Dios y tenerle más profundamente presente con aquella belleza, no es posible que fuera imaginación”.

No se si google podrá traducir esto de forma fiel al texto.

Mi pregunta es si Sta Teresa practicando el Cristianismo pudo ver a Krishna. Es verdad que no hace alusión a la pluma de pavo real en la cabeza; pero el resto parece una descripción de Krishna con las gopis durante un muhurta. En la tradición cristiana no se habla de Dios como un joven moreno.

¿Que opina? Siento molestarlo pero el texto me pareció interesante observar los niveles de re4alización espiritual a los que llegaban en aquella época tanto Sta Teresa como San Juan de la Cruz y otros.



Jayanta das


Hare Krishna Gurudev: Pamho.

Reading a part of the book "Accounts of Conscience" of Santa Teresa de Jesús "(Ávila) in Chapter 44 (translated from Old Spanish) says:

Consciousness Accounts 44

2. “Suddenly a recollection came to me with an interior light so great that it seemed to me to be in another world, and my spirit was found within itself, in a very delightful forest and orchard, so much so that it made me remember what is said in the Song of Songs: Veniat dilectus meus in hortum suum - come He, my beloved, to His garden and eat its delicate fruits.

“I saw there, in this Elysee (delicious place where great souls go), a blackish youth with a strange beauty; On his head he had like a garland, which does not crown, of great stones, and many maidens who walked there with him, with bouquets in their hands, all in songs of praise to God. I kept opening my eyes so as not to be distracted and it was not possible to take my attention away from it ”.

“There was a music of angels and the singing of birds, which the soul enjoyed, although I did not listen to it with physical ears, but the soul was in that delight. I looked like there was no other man there ”.

3. “This lasted more than an hour and a half - that I could not take my eyes off my attention, and with great delight, something different from other visions; and what I got from there was more love for God and having him more deeply present with that beauty, it is not possible that it was imagination ”.

I don't know if google will be able to translate this faithfully to the text.

My question is whether St. Teresa practicing Christianity could see Krishna. It is true that it does not refer to the peacock feather on the head; but the rest looks like a description of Krishna with the gopis during a muhurta. In the Christian tradition, God is not spoken of as a dark youth.

What do you think? I'm sorry to bother you, but the text seemed interesting to me to observe the levels of spiritual fulfillment reached at that time by both Saint Teresa and Saint John of the Cross and others.

Thank you.


Jayanta das

HpS - I have heard of this from other devotees a little, but... you are the first person to send it in such detail! Google did a good job. I don't think I know any more than you do, but yes, certainly, Krsna can reveal His form in Vrndavana to people anywhere. I have heard very sober descriptions of people having visions of Krsna and associates that led them to go to the library to find a book about ""'KRSNA""" and then to the Temple.

"If the Prince and Princess want to go into the prison house, who can stop Them", said Srila Prabhupada?
