CPKD: Personal assistant (trying to be useful to his sankirtan)

4 years, 4 months ago by abhiramdas in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, PAMHO

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

All glories to Hanumatpresaka Swami!!

For two or three weeks we have been talking between several spiritual brothers (Asta-saki from Mexico, Jayanta from Spain, Candra-mukhi from Peru, Arjuna and Jagad-guru from Chile, Ambarisa and Nikunja in Argentina, among others) we all agree that given the particularities of the moment, it is good and necessary that you have a personal assistant so that you can write more and develop your Sankirtan for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada.

To write this letter it was necessary to know who the assistant could be and if he wanted and had availability for the service, by the mercy of Sri Nityananda, everything was manifested favorably, so we humbly propose that Panca Tattva Das as his assistant for three months. It's okay?

Panca-tattva is in Mar de Plata (currently in Argentina there are already flights to the USA) he would have to start doing the paperwork for his religious visa, for that we would need an invitation from the Houston temple, the rest of the requirements are simple. The other option is to travel as a tourist for three months. It's okay?

Although we are neophytes, we are trying to be useful disciples, please excuse any clumsiness.

HARE KRISHNA respected Gurudeva, his useless servant, Abhiram Thakur das.

HpS - Jaya Srila Prabhupada, what assistance would he give? What does he think about this suggestion?


Desde hace dos o tres semanas hemos estado conversando entre varios hermanos espirituales (Asta-saki de México, Jayanta de España, Candra-mukhi de Perú, Arjuna y Jagad-guru de Chile, Ambarisa y Nikunja en Argentina, entre otros) todos coincidimos que, dadas las particularidades del momento, es bueno y necesario que usted tenga un asistente personal y así pueda escribir más y desarrollar su Sankirtan para el placer de Srila Prabhupada.

Para escribir esta carta era necesario saber quién podría ser el asistente y si quería y tenía disponibilidad para el servicio, por la misericordia de Sri Nityananda, todo se manifestó favorablemente, por eso humildemente le proponemos que Panca Tattva Das como su asistente por tres meses. Está bien?

Panca-tattva esta en Mar de Plata (actualmente en Argentina ya hay vuelos hacia USA) él tendría que empezar a hacer los tramites para su visa religiosa, para eso necesitaríamos una invitación del templo de Houston, el resto de requisitos son sencillos. La otra opción es que viaje como turista por tres meses. Está bien?

Aunque somos neófitos, estamos tratando de ser discípulos útiles, por favor disculpa cualquier torpeza.

HARE KRISHNA respetado Gurudeva, su inútil sirviente, Abhiram Thakur das.