KDPC Getting Good News!!!

4 years, 4 months ago by natyelligarza_108 in Personal Sadhana Reports





Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my most humble obeisances!!

¡All Glories To Srila Prabhupada!

¡All Glories at Your Lotus Feet!

HpS - Lettuce Feet. AgtSP!!

I write this letter thinking you can remember me and to make a small report of my sadhana. In December 2019 in Mexico City you were very kind to give me shelter, we continue singing 16 rounds per day and following 4 regulative principles. Nowadays my job consumes me from 9 to 10 hours at day (a lot of wasted time), however, the pay allows me to keep the department in which I live. I live alone. They also promoted me to manager.

HpS - In whatever position we find our selves, we should accept it as Krsna arrangment and then try to serve Him there, better and better. Then if any change of position is necessary it will happen naturally. How can you expand the Sankirtan movement through those 9-10 hours. Look for a room mate, share apartment. B'carini ashrama?

Immediately after work I go to the temple (5 days a week), I have paraphernalia service in the afternoons for three days and the other two I practice Odissi. Again I reconnected to FMP and the morning classes. It is very inspiring to listen to you in the morning.

HpS - !!!! 🙏 !!!

!!! !! !

The relationship with my family is now better than ever, my parents support me a lot in Krishna Consciousness, even when mother cook “for me”, she does not taste it thinking in Krishna and to be offered (Jaya).

In the last letter I asked you if I could worship Tulsi that a sister had given me, she is growing very fast and pretty, I see her comfortable and healthy.

A few weeks ago I invited the devotees to my home. Their holy association filled the home with joy. Kirtan was done, a fragment of the Nectar of Devotion was read, and we ate maha prasadam. I hope I can do more programs at home and invite more devotees.

ASA - Pictures?

Finally I would like to tell you that I have just associated with a resident devotee of the Radha Madana Gopala temple, he is the commander of the temple and in charge of the kitchen, he is a disciple of H. H. Bhaktisundar Maharaja, his name is Vraja Mohan Das. He is a good devotee and very responsible. We had talked about making an announcement of a possible courtship until next year, however the authorities (the president) advised us and asked us to do it ahead of the plan, so they recommended that prabhu wear white, making an announcement of the relationship publicly in the temple, after the program, getting a good response from the community. Many blessings. HH Bhaktisundar Maharaja spoke with the devotee and then with me, giving us acceptance and his blessings. We are aware of the process we have just started and that the ultimate goal is to be able to serve Krishna properly.

I am very happy for the last few months, in which the Krishna Consciousness process is echoing in all my activities, in a few days will be my 26th birthday, so the renewal of vows, activities and association is present day by day.

Thank you so much Guru Maharaja, please excuse me for any offense I committed.

Your fallen aspirant, Natyelli Garza.


HpS - Kali -yuga is a mess. You should have been married by 16-years old. How old is Vraja mohan Das? Best is to have second initiation before marriage. Etc. Etc. Etc. so we make the best use of a bad situation. 16 rounds, 4 principles, association of devotees. We ----may----- escape from...


It is honor to have your association. Become successful. Become a Mother to so many people.

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