"KDPC"...Radha-Krsna bol""""..Pandaveya Spain.

4 years, 4 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva!

I hope you are doing very well in every way.

HpS - Wow! That is a big hope!

I'm fine. My spiritual life very well thanks to Radha and Krsna.

I have not written to you before because I did not know what to say without repeating myself, or without being as ugly-analytical as I am.

I love your handwritten KDs ... you once gave me one when I asked !! ... they are beautiful, they remind me of children's books. So simple, so cute, with such funny drawings. Avatars ?? Hahaha!

HpS - Hmmm!

With the pandemic, I go for a run almost every day, 8 kilometers. I swim in the sea almost every day. Now the water is crystal clear thanks to the fact that the currents are colder, not like in summer. With your eyes open, one can see almost as if wearing diving goggles. It just makes you want to play in the water. It is as if one were in another world in those moments.

Times when sunlight is crystal clear and yellowish-white. It seems the light of the brahmajyotir of the mystic yogis.

The waves, soft, as if not wanting to break the moment, break on the shore as if they were felt on marble. The sea in these months is like a swimming pool, a dream.

HpS - Sounds like the Yamuna with Krsna!

Algae, so ugly for many people, is as if they were the sea's invitation to play with one. And in the background, an airplane of the military academy of the air (it is very close) raises and lowers revolutions, and in height, with its training propeller motor, as if a bird, noisy or enraged, did not stop making sounds, losing itself and approaching in the heights.

In my mind, it's like hearing a sound in my gut. Sunday sounds, clear light and crystal clear waters. Smell and sea breeze, with sand stuck on clothes, and on the knees.

It is impossible for me to understand how people allow themselves to be carried away by their imaginations, to such an extent that they do not behave like real living beings.

Lately, when I read your Twitt's, I remember the Goswamis. And from one of their phrases, I don't remember if it was from Rupa Goswami exactly ... something like "I no longer know if what I say is true or a lie," as if only Krsna knows.

I have had some strong experiences in recent months, spiritual, . . . the material ones, I don't even count them anymore, and every day I am more aware that the only network of reality is Krsna and his networks (associates, worlds, thoughts ...)

I have to admit that I am very happy, and I don't know why.

HpS - I guess we have to all accept that Lord Caitanya's mercy goes to the fallen!

I understand Krsna's wishes in Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mood about this world, but right now, I think the only thing that would be worthwhile now is to go back to Vrndavan Parikrama and never go out again, with people like You, and many other devotees, from deep and human soul that I admire. Some famous, others not. Some young, others not.

I hope you have a very good morning in this material hell.

At Yours feet, my obeisances.

Hare Krsna Maharaja!!

HpS - Thank you!!! Do you read CC??? Does Krsna send innocent people for your to talk with?

P.D: Here I take a bath almost every day. Of all beaches, the best!!! hahaha