Report Month of Sriddhar and Hrishikesha

4 years, 5 months ago by radhadance in Personal Sadhana Reports

Report Month of Sriddhar and Hrishikesha

Hare Krhna dear Gurudev

Please accept my respectful reverences at your beautiful and lovely feet, like lotus feet!

I wish that you are fine and happy in the beautiful companion of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. I am sending this letter through Sara Morey, a friend living in Lima. She attended your conferences there. She has also been at Vrndavam Dham and she is the one who brought us as a gift Gopal Makhanchor and Radha Krsna.

Gurumaharaja, since Sarita is helping me sending my letters, I could send them once a month as you requested from me when we were in Buenos Aires. Since you didn´t answer me I have been thinking that perhaps one letter per month could be too frequent so I could send them every two or three months. Your wishes are orders for me. My last letter was not translated by google. Please forgive me, that time I was in a square and had little battery while Fran and Gopal were talking to me. Sorry, but I could download one of your lessons and Fran also downloaded exercises, there are so good! and since I practice streching and Manipur dance every morning before mangalartik, it´s great to have such a companion.

Plese do not worry if you can not answer me. I understand that I am not doing any preaching work and perhaps you only reply more important letters, I can understand that. Just writing and knowing that you read my letter makes me very happy.

My report:

In these two months of sadhana every thing is beautiful and sweet. I enjoy these early morning hours while Gopalito sleeps by my side. These hours savored with Your association, Srila Prabhupada and my ladhu gopal are important for me and make me psicologically strong. If I do not savor these hours I become weak. I just want to cry for Krsna. I will always be grateful to you Gurudev for all the inspiration you gave to us.

I was reading some verses of the Bhagavad Gita via whastapp to some favorable girls.

I was thinking ... whether my songs may be really suitable to be danced and published.. perhaps they are composed in a crazy foolish way.

I have dreamed a lot with You and devotees. You were saying very pleassant words. I also saw you in a bus. You were standing there preaching to us. I considered your words as answers to my letters.

I send you here an introduction of my future dancing school. It may be very crazy to talk about a school in the middle of a pandemic but I prefer to go ahead. I would like to listen to Your valuable opinion: Academia de Danza Radha Natyan Academy, or do you think it better to be Radha Dance Academy. I considered Natyam for the encyclopedia of Indian dance, theater and music: the Natya Sastra. I wait for your answer.

Thank you very much for Your time Gurumaharaja. The only communication I have from time to time is via whatsaapp and I am now in the group of spiritual brothers where they posted the news that Prabhu NitaiGaurasundara had symtomps of Covid. How is He? We also read that You had published that your diagnosis was negative. I wish with all my heart that my eyes have the joy to see You and serve You again. I wish you enjoy a wonderful month of Purusottama!!!

You are receiving this message thanks to Sara Morey. She speaks English and is translating this letter. She was also sending me some of Your reports in Jaya Rama and Your DTC in the blog.

I beg You to forgive any offense committed unintentionally in this letter.

I wish to please you every moment,

your attempt of disciple who wants to serve you eternally,

Radha japa prati jalpa devi dasi

Kindly accept also reverences from Franco and Gopalito


Report Month of Sriddhar and Hrishikesha

Hare Krishna dear Gurudev

Please accept my respectful reverences at your beautiful and lovely feet, like lotus feet!

HpS - "My lotus feet" are the feet of our Acharya, Srila Prabhupada, only by his mercy.

I wish that you are fine and happy in the beautiful companion of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. I am sending this letter through Sara Morey, a friend living in Lima. She attended your conferences there. She has also been at Vrndavam Dham and she is the one who brought us as a gift Gopal Makhanchor and Radha Krsna.

Gurumaharaja, since Sarita is helping me sending my letters, I could send them once a month as you requested from me when we were in Buenos Aires. Since you didn´t answer me I have been thinking that perhaps one letter per month could be too frequent so I could send them every two or three months. Your wishes are orders for me. My last letter was not translated by google. Please forgive me, that time I was in a square and had little battery while Fran and Gopal were talking to me. Sorry, but I could download one of your lessons and Fran also downloaded exercises, there are so good! and since I practice streching and Manipur dance every morning before mangalartik, it's great to have such a companion.

Plese do not worry if you can not answer me. I understand that I am not doing any preaching work and perhaps you only reply more important letters, I can understand that. Just writing and knowing that you read my letter makes me very happy.

My report:

In these two months of sadhana every thing is beautiful and sweet. I enjoy these early morning hours while Gopalito sleeps by my side. These hours savored with Your association, Srila Prabhupada and my ladhu gopal are important for me and make me psychologically strong. If I do not savor these hours I become weak. I just want to cry for Krsna. I will always be grateful to you Gurudev for all the inspiration you gave to us.

I was reading some verses of the Bhagavad Gita via whastapp to some favorable girls.

I was thinking ... whether my songs may be really suitable to be danced and published .. perhaps they are composed in a crazy foolish way.

I have dreamed a lot with You and devotees. You were saying very pleassant words. I also saw you in a bus. You were standing there preaching to us. I considered your words as answers to my letters.

I send you here an introduction of my future dancing school. It may be very crazy to talk about a school in the middle of a pandemic but I prefer to go ahead. I would like to listen to Your valuable opinion: Academia de Danza Radha Natyan Academy, or do you think it better to be Radha Dance Academy [Best]. I considered Natyam for the encyclopedia of Indian dance, theater and music: the Natya Sastra. I wait for your answer.

Thank you very much for Your time Gurumaharaja. The only communication I have from time to time is via whatsaapp and I am now in the group of spiritual brothers where they posted the news that Prabhu NitaiGaurasundara had symtomps of Covid. How is He? We also read that You had published that your diagnosis was negative. I wish with all my heart that my eyes have the joy to see You and serve You again. I wish you enjoy a wonderful month of Purusottama !!!

HpS - His body is fine. He went through it with extra rest and tylenol. No great destruction, but still weak, though back at work.

You are receiving this message thanks to Sara Morey. She speaks English and is translating this letter. She was also sending me some of Your reports in Jaya Rama and Your DTC in the blog.

I beg You to forgive any offense committed unintentionally in this letter.

I wish to please you every moment,

your attempt of disciple who wants to serve you eternally,

Radha japa prati jalpa devi dasi

Kindly accept also reverences from Franco and Gopalito

HpS - Thank you for the news!!!!! But any art from Franco or Gopalito? Find the ways to do Sankirtan in the changing world!!!