Priya Sakhi dd

4 years, 5 months ago by priyasakhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada.

Espero que se encuentre bien, siempre refugiado y absorto en Su servicio a Sri Sri Radha Krsna y a Sri Nrsimhadeva.

Gurudev, respondiendo a Sus preguntas de mi carta anterior.

La escuela virtual "Atma Kula" es un proyecto en solitario. Recibo ayuda de Dhanistha dd con Ayurveda, Nityananda Prana das con meditación y homeschooling, y mi hermana en diseño (logo, afiches). Básicamente yo organizo, pero recibo aopoyo y consejo de ellos.

Quizá en el futuro pueda ser una escuela física y pueda servir de centro de prédica, si Usted me da Sus bendiciones. Quizá esto sean en varios años más (espero que no tantos).

Con respecto a Jagannatha Caran y entrenar a su sucesor. La administración por ahora está viendo lo más urgente: mantención de las deidades, mantención de los devotos residentes, deuda del templo, visitas de devotos (regulado, con medidas sanitarias), programas que van surgiendo. Cuando todo se normalice Jagannatha podrán entrenar a su sucesor automanifestado y autorefulgente 😊

Quiero contarle que madre Lila Shakti dd de Valparaíso, dejó su cuerpo hace 3 días. Fuimos con algunos devotos a cantar Hare Krsna en su entierro a pedido de la familia. A su velorio nadie fue 😥

Hablamos con su hijo mayor y sus nietos. Su hijo nos contó que ella tenía Alzheimer y que vivía en una asilo de ancianos. Allí adoraba a sus deidades, cantaba japa y leía las escrituras. Olvidó a todos menos a Krsna y se fue de éste mundo muy tranquila.

Una semana antes de dejar su cuerpo ella recordó a sus familiares.

Maritza, una amiga de madre Lila Shakti, asistía a sus programas en Valparaíso mientras estudiaba en la Universidad. Se autodenomina amiga de Krsna. Ella informó de todo a Prabhu Amara. Y estamos en contacto con ella.

La familia quedó muy feliz y agradecida por el canto.

Le dejo algunas fotos Guru Maharaja.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Priya Sakhi Devi Dasi



Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories go to Srila Prabhupada.

I hope you are well, always sheltered and absorbed in Your service to Sri Sri Radha Krsna and Sri Nrsimhadeva.

HpS - AgtSP!! paoho. We are just trying to live as civilized human beings most of the time. Yet, Srila Prabhupada keeps lifting us onto his sail boat headed to Goloka. Toot! Toot!

Gurudev, answering Your questions from my previous letter.

The virtual school "Atma Kula" is a solo project. I get help from Dhanistha dd with Ayurveda, Nityananda Prana das with meditation and homeschooling, and my sister with design (logo, posters). Basically I organize, but I get support and advice from them.

Perhaps in the future it can be a physical school and can serve as a preaching center, if You give me Your blessings. Maybe this will be in several more years (I hope not so many).

HpS - Hare Krsna!! Teach music and dance and drama also.

Regarding Jagannatha Caran and training his successor. The administration for now is seeing the most urgent: maintenance of deities, maintenance of resident devotees, temple debt, visits of devotees (regulated, with sanitary measures), programs that are emerging. When everything is normalized Jagannatha will be able to train his self-manifested and self-effulgent successor 😊

HpS - Our respects to him and tell him we would like to help as we can. Atreya rsi Das, Srila Prabhupada's "GBC for material affairs", big business man, told us that there are always opportunitys for making money. You just have to adjust to the changing market. Eg. resident devotees can start a radio station in the temple with daily dramas.

I want to tell you that mother Lila Shakti from Valparaíso left her body 3 days ago. We went with some devotees to chant Hare Krsna at their funeral at the request of the family. Nobody went to his wake 😥

HpS - Yes, we know. We joined was so nice. We miss her association but she is in paradise with Krsna, or Lord Caitanya or... 😃

We speak with her oldest son and her grandchildren. Her son told us that she had Alzheimer's and that she lived in a nursing home. There she worshiped her deities, chanted japa and read the scriptures. She forgot everyone except Krsna and left this world very calm.

A week before leaving her body, she remembered her relatives.

Maritza, a friend of mother Lila Shakti, attended her programs in Valparaíso while studying at the University. She calls herself a friend of Krsna. She reported everything to Prabhu Amara. And we are in contact with her.

HpS - Yes, I think I met Maritza several times. She got a PhD in music while she was living with Mataji, I think.

The family was very happy and grateful for the song.

I leave you some photos Guru Maharaja.

Your would-be servant

Priya Sakhi Devi Dasi

HpS - We need our own village where we can control epidemics and produce most of what we need locally and develop mystic powers and magic carpets.