Re: What next?

4 years, 4 months ago by purushottam in Special Category A

Hare Krishna,

Respected Guru Maharaja,

HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna! Prabhu! !! [It is great honor to be addressed as 'Guru Maharaja' by someone who has taken such nice birth as your good self, and then served Srila Prabhupada's mission with such quality, but maybe better just "Maharaja". O.K.? We hope to be your servants for long time and need your advice. 😎)

Please accept my humble obeiscances.

Thank you for taking out time to reply.

In last letter had asked to understand my relation with Srila Prabhupada, then have dealings with ISKCON devotees and at third level dealing with institution.

As far as I understand, Srila Prabhupada is most important Shiksha guru for all the ISKCON devotees for all the generations to come. All leaders and managers of ISKCON must follow in line with his desires and instructions, as found through his books or lectures etc.

HpS - Also, from his disciples, disciples, disciples as we can properly evaluate their connection with him?

In my own little practice of Krishna Consciousness, I have felt that Srila Prabhupada is offering his guidance through his books. Also he expresses his vision, mission, desires etc. in books and lectures. Sometimes, when I was little disturbed, I got strength from his books. For me, I take his books as my personal association with Srila Prabhupada. Of course, he offers his association through medium of other devotees as well.

HpS - For me Jayananda Das, B. S, Damodara Swami and Hansadutta Swami were very prominent.

Next comes- dealing with ISKCON devotees. You had asked me, who are my friends? I have many ISKCON devotee friends.

Kumar Lila Pr (Haldia Youth Preacher), Mukund Chaitanya Prabhu (Remuna TP), Anant Bhagwan Pr, Akshay Hari Pr, Sri Govinda Ghosh Pr, Balaram Acharya Pr, Sundar Nimai Pr, Anant Gaur Sundar Prabhu, Braj Kumar Pr, Radhavallabh Pr, Kanai Natashala Pr, Prem Chaitanya Pr, Haladhar Nitai Pr, Maharas Pr, Sri Nrisimha Pr, Sri Ram Raghav Pr, .... to name a few.

HpS - Nectar!!

At third level you had asked to deal with institution. This is where I got in trouble. I thought to start some preaching program, develop it to some extent in 2-3 years and then think of connecting to ISKCON officially at reasonable terms and conditions. Please frankly reply me, if you feel anywhere I am going wrong.

Currently I am at my home from past 1 week. I was looking for a rented place in Darbhanga (Mithila ) for starting my preaching. Search is still on but it's difficult. Reasons - Corona fear, me being in saffron robe, security, ...

I am not sure if I would be able to get any place.

My regular sadhana is going on.

Your aspiring servant

Purushottam Keshav Das

HpS - It is best to stay within the institution established by our Spiritual Master and work to fight the problems. It will be a continuous fight, but Radharani is ready to help, no? What about someone like Bhakta-raghava Swami and his project? Is there enough variety in India to find someone to work with?

In the end if everyone in ISKCON has gone mad, then we must carry on the institution, Srila Prabhupada's mission, by our own determination, but so far I see many people who are just as sincere as I am. They have different contaminations than I do, but within bounds, and most likely not even as bad as mine.

You can always join Bh. Tom Brown and Buck White in ASA!

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