Writing to our very esteemed, ASA, GBC Secretary, H. G. Virabahu Das on Whatsapp:
AGTSP! paoho.
Saw a description of the GBC Female Diksa Guru Resolution, and have to make this Formal Comment to you as our GBC Secretary.
As we understand it we have to reject it, and anyone approved by it, and encourage others to do so.
Jaya! 😎
Most of it seems workeable to us, but we agree with Saunaka Rsi Das, 'Oxford Center for HIndu Studies' etc., that we have such a bad understanding of Diksa-guru, that deciding if "Women Can Become Diksa Gurus" is based upon a impractical foundation of whether anyone can become a Diksa-guru, so the general concept needs work.
The detailed line that we as lawyers are objecting to strenuously is that the Candidates are O.K. if they are are under the PROTECTION of Daddy, Husband, Grown-up Son, or... one of the respected Vaisnavi-sangas.
This is a collection of women with no man protecting, directing them, no?
As we all heard Mother Yamuna Devi Dasi tried to start one of these in Oregon while Srila Prabhupada was here and he said, "No".