2020 The Year of Sadhana Opportunities

4 years, 3 months ago by lalita_mdva in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!


Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva!

I write after 5 months ago,

ASA - Selfish demon!

Coronavirus has brought us a new opportunity to do new kind of service, now I´m learning to play harmonium in my free time, I already learned two melodies of the Maha Mantra and I am studying to play a little less worst than the day before.

Please give me your blessings for not committing offenses during my learning.

HpS-ASA -- May God bless you. '@'pop~

I also stared to study Bhagavad Gita with the support of a manual from Mayapur Institute, seriously thinking on enroll up for Bhakti Sastri course soon.

The new way to work at home gave me the opportunity to do some certifications of exponential education and industry 4.0 and spend more time with my daughter Jahnavi, she are also learning to play harmonium and my mom is teaching her to embroider fabrics for the deities, she really love it.

Something I'm grateful for with the pandemic is I have had the opportunity to learn a little more about cooking and preformance for the festivals and perform all the Ekadasi fasting without problems. 😅

This year in Monterrey yatra: The Jala Yatra Festival could not perform on the Santa Lucía River as in previous years, so the administration decided to do it in the Bhakti Center in a small pool at the style of the kalachandjis temple.

A live broadcast was made with the participation of H.H. Jayapataka Swami, H.H. Guru Prasad Swami, H.G. Sankarshan Das Adhikari, H.G. Malati Prabhu, S.G. Mahatma Prabhu and H.H. Bhakti Sundar Swami. My family and I had the opportunity to help with the offerings and the prasadam, as well as the decorations for the festival.

I have felt very calm in the last months despite the current health situation in the world, I know that everything is by the mercy of Sri Krishna and every day I try to improve my japa a little more and I pray that I have a little more intelligence and be able to serve you properly.

HpS - In your next life your will be Bhismadeva???

We hope that in December they will open the border for the opportunity to travel to Houston and recharge our bhakti with the mercy of Sri Sri Radha Nila-Madhava.✨

Forgive me for not being in contact with you more frequently through the Blog,

ASA - O. K. but don't do it again! At least every three months.

I don't want to be a burden to you, we try to do our best. 4 principles and japa every day. We pray that you are in good health and we can see you soon.

Also Forgive my mistakes trying to write this letter, I keep trying to improve my English.🙏

Your eternal and humble servant.

Lalita-radha devi dasi.

HpS -ASA --- Super, super, super, become continuously KC, then make it more intense and then all pervading!!!!!!
