Nitai-Gauranga: Revenge movies, kung fu, virat purusa

4 years, 5 months ago by harsh_horse in Special Category A

hare krsna maharaj,

little bit informal,

can you bless us to be orchestra man, in his (krsnas) fight scenes, his arrival in his kingdom?

HpS - Arrival in Dvaraka or arrival in Mathura? There are no fight scenes when he arrives in Dvaraka in the first canto. Later when He arrives at fights Salva there is fight. Do you want to play trombone or write the music?

being very informal again.

i thank you for nice lectures, esp on theatre and movies, viola saplin, virat purusa, THE ENVIRONMENT,

even in mundane movies we can see their presence.

movie-pictures in snake of sound (aghasura).

again informal,

people like you are rare, like us rare, and rare is the meeting and hearing.

ASA - Oink! Oink! Whoop! WHoop!

please bless us again all mundane things in this world we can as reflection of krsna lila (even untold) with sound.

HpS - Whatever work you have done in KC has become a part of your heart, even if you don't see much change externally. Eventually the heart will seize control of the external world.

dancing horse,

let us chant and dance in diff time and space. and let ENVIRONMENT connect it