DTC th(3)

4 years, 5 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna! This world is 'dukhalayam asasvatam': A place of suffering an unpredictable!

Yet, we can use all this 'dukha' as chance for austerity for Krsna!! Using the sources of distress for Krsna is purifying.

We have so many things that we want to do. Eg. we want to write up the Board of Director's Meeting Minutes, but... everyone is asking that we have Karuna Virus test since NgD tested positive.

He has had fever and cough, but joins the Kirtan in good voice and work every night and says that maybe he is a little better.

So, we started the work of taking the test and just as we expected it was TWO HOURS on the phone from office to office: Press One, Press Two, Please Stay On The Line. Go back and tell them...



BlueCross Care

Medicare.... but finally we go it sorted out!!!! We also pre-pared/sented the SB with ISKCON Hawaii today. Lot of work. We have no fever symptoms. Seems our work (as described in the Kapi Dhvaja) is on schedule. Our understanding of SB is growing, GROWING, G R O W I N G, with all these classes.

Thank you for your news. Sankirtan Reports. "Where is Sita? Here is Rama's Ring (BBT)!"