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4 years, 3 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurumaharaja.

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Si me permite por favor dedicarle unas cortas palabras de agradecimiento porque parece imposible evitar hacerlo, pido disculpas si robo un tiempo importante. 

Desde hace algunos años estoy reflexionando mucho en que cada vez que veo a Gurumaharaja parece más y más cualificado, es como el océano que parece no tener límite, tal como Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura nos dice. Esto es maravilloso, porque incluso alguien enceguecido como su aspirante puede apreciarlo.

Muchísimas gracias por enseñarnos a mantener la calma ante las calamidades, a entender la naturaleza del mundo material y a vivir siempre en una eterna conciencia de Krsna refugiado con tanta fe en su amado Srila Prabhupada, Su ejemplo literalmente nos arrastra de las constantes lamentaciones que no son dignas. 

Oramos humildemente al Señor Nrsimhadeva para que lo proteja y Su sankirtana continúe eternamente. 

Nuestras oraciones sinceras también para nuestro estimado y respetado Nitaigourasundara prabhu. 

Les dedicamos rondas pidiendo perdón por un canto descualificado. 

Tuvimos hermosos festivales desde Jhulan Yatra , en un momento la mente me dijo talves es mejor hacerte a un lado y limitar tu naturaleza a únicamente glorificar el servicio de los demás, pero de alguna forma Sri Krsna me arrastró una y otra vez en cada oportunidad y terminé a cargo del maha abhiseka de Radhastami!! : ) ha sido increíble Gurumaharaja !!! Una gran oportunidad para las madres pujaris que están haciendo servicio en el altar en estos tiempos, 12 pujaris haciendo un poquito cada una y de forma organizada pues había que aprovechar tal oportunidad, parecían como las asistentes de las asistentes de las asistentes de las gopis... 

Todo esto gracias a Su infinita misericordia de aceptarme formalmente en el hermoso ISKCON que amamos con sus aciertos y sus desafíos, si por mis ofensas una ola de este grandioso océano me arrastra hacia afuera apelo (por mi tontería) que venga otra y me arreste adentro porque el pez tonto moriría afuera, esas olas de rescate siempre serán su ejemplo e instrucciones. 

Eternamente agradecida

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd

Comparto algunas fotos


Dear Gurumaharaja.

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

If I can please say a few words of thanks because it seems impossible to avoid doing so, I apologize if I steal important time.

For some years now I have been reflecting a lot that every time I see Gurumaharaja he seems more and more qualified, it is like the ocean that seems to have no limit, as Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura tells us. This is wonderful, because even a blind person like your aspirant can appreciate it.

HpS - It seems that all of us, if just stay in this movement, by the great power of Srila Prabhupada we become detached from mater and our hearts become flexible. So of us are making progress faster than others.

Thank you so much for teaching us to be calm in the face of calamities, to understand the nature of the material world and to always live in an eternal Krsna consciousness taking refuge with so much faith in your beloved Srila Prabhupada, Your example literally drags us out of the constant lamentations that are not worthy.

We humbly pray to Lord Nrsimhadeva to protect you and His sankirtana to continue eternally.

Our sincere prayers also for our esteemed and respected Nitai-goura-sundara Prabhu.

We dedicate rounds to them apologizing for a disqualified song.

HpS - Thank you. I am sure it will mean a lot to him!! I just talked to him. He was better the last two days, but is little worse today?? Eternal pastimes. Life outside the Cinema.

We had beautiful festivals since Jhulan Yatra, at one point the mind told me maybe it is better to step aside and limit your nature to only glorify the service of others, but somehow Sri Krsna dragged me over and over again at every opportunity and I ended up in charge of Radhastami's maha abhiseka !! :) It has been incredible Gurumaharaja !!! A great opportunity for Pujari mothers who are doing service at the altar in these times, 12 pujaris doing a little bit each and in an organized way because they had to take advantage of this opportunity, they seemed like the assistants of the assistants of the gopis. ..

HpS - Sometimes Krsna seems to give us a little taste of what real life is like. Even if it is only mental pictures, what to speak of Bhava, it is better than any material experience, no?

All this thanks to His infinite mercy to formally accept me in the beautiful ISKCON that we love with its successes and its challenges, if for my offenses a wave of this great ocean drags me out I appeal (for my foolishness) that another come and arrest me inside because the silly fish would die outside, those waves of rescue will always be your example and instructions.

Eternally grateful

Your eternal would-be servant

Asta Sakhi dd

I share some photos

HpS - The photos are so nice!!! Window on the spiritual world, but one thing a little funny. All the ladies look like very proper Arabian, Muslim ladies, with their faces covered.

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna. Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare!!!!!! Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare ......
