KDPC: Hari bolo - Service Request

4 years, 4 months ago by Isvari devi dasi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Maharaja and ASA team,


I hope all is welḷ I really don't think you have covid and I consider it will better to wait for the results of Dr NGD.

HpS - Thank you! We waited and he was positive test, but reaction is not strong for him so far. When we went for testing they gave us papers to fill-out and a pen, but we think they were all touched by other clients. 😎

Honestly, doctors say, hospital is one of the most dangerous place to catch diseases, be careful.

I wanted to ask you please if it is possible to allow me to prepare questions from Chapter 5 of Canto 2, While correcting the questions in chapter 2 and if necessary, I do it again.

HpS - Certainly. You don't have to wait for us. Please post them here!!! You can see we aer not GREAT DEVOTEE like Hanuman. We hope to be a little insect helping other to clean his fur. So, post things here and we try to answer all posts within 4-days.

This service is essential for me because it allows me to deepen my relationship with Srila Prabhupada. Please consider my request🙏

HpS - Read his books = Touch his feet. What is the news of our Leader, Bh. Bhusana Swami?

I read your letter, Fighting Corruption in ISKCON", It helped me a lot to understand my relationship with ISKCON and identify me with Level 3 and I have something of 2.

HpS - Level 3 = Confidential Relationship with our General! Srila Prabhupada. Level 2 = Friends in ISKCON (Friends = ISKCON!) Karuna krsna Das, Caturatma, Abhinandana are my friends. Other relations, but they are my friends!

Regarding this I have a query, sometimes I have been invited to give some Bg classes in the San Borja temple and this makes some devotees uncomfortable because they think that I am in favor of some authority and it is simply that I do not identify with some authority but rather with my service, explain this but for some it is something difficult to understand.

My loyalty is to Srila Prabhupada and the ISKCON who follows Srila Prabhupada. What do you advise me? Sometimes I think my thoughts are somewhat anarchist.

HpS - This is spiritual life. Raghunatha Das Goswami would not even accept a paper cup (leaf cup) made in Sakhi-sthali, because it was Candravali's village!!! [She is trying to steal Krsna from our Radha!!]. Imagine a girl, seeing another girl try to steal her husband! Grrrrrr!

... but, Radha and Candravali


each other!! They are cousins. They compete out of love. They hope their competition inspires the other to increase their service, not reduce it.

So, hard decisions. With whom to associate? How others perceive it? Ask Srila Prabhupada! As far as I know now, San Borjas is Srila Prabhupada's temple!!

Thank you very much for your effort and for being a part of Sankirtana of Srila Prabhupada.

whith appreciation

ys Isvari R dd

Note: in the next letter i will send photos of Sarasvati and Rajani, they continue with their Sadhana.

HpS - Little angels or little devils? Or both ??