Dark clouds are coming. It is 5.12PM. Our Boss may have Karuna virus. It is agitating the village. Thunder storms with lightening are threatening. Neighbor of NgD house got hit by lightening. Fire Men had to come to extinguish it. Just blew off part of the roof:
We got a lot of rounds done. We've done very nice Bhoga offerings. [Must be mercy of Hari Das Thakura]. We are writing the DTC(p) for Jayananda Das. His association is the best, but now we are tired.... want to rest...
The Good Soul: DON'T rest! Push on to death. Keep chanting!
Us: O.K. Got our rounds. SB class. Lots of consulting. Look for Krsna in the forest with the boys to see Them play!!!!
[Some mail left. Letter from Jagat guru Das about Programa with Catolica!]