Response ISKCON Leadership

4 years, 5 months ago by chas d lind in Special Category B

HpS - Thank you, CCD!!!! This is the secular name for Candra-mukhi Devi Dasi. She is PhD, teaching in university.

Is nice letter. Will be in touch with you soon.


This reply was from a post of your disciple on "Fakebook", ["Fakebook"???? Not "Facebook"] so please excuse some of the informalities. Thank you! _o'/\__,

Yes, HPS is perfection in practicality, especially through personal experience. Others, he will empathize to a degree, yet he still knows certain processes individuals must go through. The learning curve is necessary.

As in any business Maharaja understands management positions, the unique bearing in ISKCON is that we're dealing with individual and collective services.

The hierarchy is complicated sometimes and not always in exact lineage which can cause dismay in responses. Maharaja noted the 3 levels of interactions and the subtle fourth being Paramatma, that's the mystical facet of ISKCON.

We may use standard business protocols in most cases, though the "Paramatma" brings the need for spontaneous compensation that usually does not occur in modern management.

So, if we can get mutual universal understandings and still get individual instruction for TPC (Time, Place & Circumstance) within ISKCON that would re-establish some of the tones of Srila Prabhupada.

It's getting everybody on the same page that will be the trick, communications is vital so all information is shared amongst those involved while keeping transparency and still minimizing unnecessary exposure to devotional creepers of the individuals.

Whilst this is devised, we still have to wash pots, cut bhoga, shower-up and go to Mangals at home or the Temple, keeping regulated amongst our quandaries and problems. If we do so Sri Bhagavan will assist with the answer or solve the problem.

Regardless, remember that we must serve faithfully, if not... step back and inhale, re-examine our minds and focus on our service. If this is not clear, consult Hari, Guru, Vaishnava...Bhagavad Gita until you get an answer.

All glories to the Vaishnava's !

Claudia Quispe