KDPC: Open the Class Rooms

4 years, 6 months ago by purnamasidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudeva:

Please, accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

How are you?

Summer holidays are almost done. The first of September, I will be back to work. Due to the COVID-19, this new school year is going to start under a lot of confusing information. As far as I know, I will be wearing white clothes and special shoes, like a nurse, while teaching kids.

ASA - Funny! AgtSP.. Like a Nurse or an Angel.

This summer, I have had the opportunity to associate, in person, with devotees, after the lockdown. I was missing this kind of association. It has also been an opportunity to attend, when it was posible, your GoToMeeting classes: Thank you so much for this great chance.

I am in the same group of Bhagavad Gita Study than [as] my husband. It is being very helpful and enriching, and, again, a great opportunity to associate with devotees around the world.

From September, I will restart the activities with children and youth devotees who live around here. This time, another devotee is going to help me. We are going to follow the book “Becoming your devotee”.

HpS - What is this book? Great news! How is the Madrid, Spain, Yatra???????? Look for an incredible program with the kids at school!!!

Thank you so much for being always here. Please, take care of yourself.

HpS - "Yourself" ... Some where in the KRSNA book. We could not find it, there is an analysis of what is the Self. The conclusion is that the Self of the Soul is the Super Self!! So we all need to take care of our "Self"!!! Thank you.

Your ignorant servant,

Purnamasi devi dasi

HpS - Hope you are in touch with Subra Devi Dasi and the Goswami Academy. Maybe your and her students could become "Pen Pals". Write to each other.