DTC 21(Fr)
Hare Krsna, Hare Rama,
We are low on energy! Hk/HR.... 4.08PM and we still have five rounds to finish.
We get a lot done even on our worst days. AGTSP! Yet, we have so many things that we want to do for Sankirtan!
- We want to mail a package to London for Sonu Shamdasani.
- We want to investigate re-subscribing to GoToMeeting for another year.
- We want to write our article on Prof. Gregory Benford for 'Viplavah'.
.... but we just need ....
.. Kirtanya sada harih!
Thank you for re-minding us. You are very merciful.
O.K. We chant constantly even it is a slow as molasses in January. (In Norther USA).