GopiPad and Bhoomi

4 years, 5 months ago by sarita108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj!

Hope this message finds you well!

. . . . Happy belated Janamastami, SP Appearance Day! And Early Radhaastami!

ASA - - - '@'pop~ AGTSP!

I have a couple of big (material) news. I bought a condo so now I will begin suffering with the perks of home ownership.

. . . . . Of course, it’s Krishnas home so I will do my best to keep devotees coming and going. We just did 'vastu puja' on Saturday and house energy feels better.

ASA - Lots of Prasdam for the Vastu purusa??

We also got a puppy and named him Bhoomi. He listens to Kirtan and falls asleep.

ASA -- Iskcon Brahmacari!!

We are teaching him to bow in front of the altar. He helps with the loneliness and bouts of mild depression I sink into. I know Krishna’s hanging in there with me too but it’s hard to see and feel Him at times.

ASA - In Bhagavad Gita 19.21 Krsna says, "Amongst friends during Pandemics I am dogs who's names begin with "B"".

Also trying to keep thinking of SP but that relationship doesn’t feel tangible.

HpS - Get a BIG pidture of Srila Prabhupada and put it in front of where you work, eat...

Always struggling but always trying. I keep in touch with Trivikram Das in Chile and offered him a chance to come to the US to try working. Association with god-siblings is always revitalizing.

I hope your health, literature projects, solaris, iskcon education work, and virtual sangas are always flourishing! Thank you for your mercy gurudev.

Your struggling servant,

Sugopi devi dasi


ASA - What kind of work are you doing? Do you have your OWN Deities? Do They eat well and have nice baths (even in the mind, offering drops of water in the Acamana cup as paraphernalia), go for rides in the Sunshine?

What is your Daddy doing? He seem like he should be working on some project meant to conquer the world (with love)?