Hare Krishna Maharaja
Please accept my sincere obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
It gladdens me to greet you. I write in response to your instruction to my letter on marriage. I deeply appreciate your comments.
You tell me that taking initiation before marriage is better, I understand.
I tell you, a year ago I wanted to ask my authority in Chile (Prabhu Amara) for recommendations to ask for formal shelter and it was denied to me for the following reasons:
1- I did not fulfill ekadasi on two occasions.
2- I had a discussion with a devotee of the board of directors because I defended a pigeon that was being mistreated and he felt offended (that situation was settled on good terms).
3- The board of directors advised me to maintain more communication with you before taking shelter.
At that time I had been living as Brahmacarini in the temple of Santiago for four months and seriously participating in ISKCON for 3 years. Also, I’ve been following your preaching for two years now. You inspire me to have a desire to advance steadily by taking seriously my devotional vows and shelter in Srila Prabhupada.
Currently I have improved my sadhana and live outside the temple, I study Bhakti Sastri and seriously adhere to all the regulative principles.
I am clear that I must have a high standard to aspire to be your servant, these years I have made an effort to achieve that, that is why I did not communicate with you before, since I failed a lot in chanting my rounds. However, that has improved, every day I feel more inspiration thanks to the fact that I am doing mangala arati with you (more often).
I work and have many occupations during the day, but I try to keep moving forward and chant good rounds.
I ask you, how can I hope to take formal shelter from you? It would be a great blessing for me.
I appreciate and await your comments.
Your would-be servant
Petti Michelena (Stefani Salazar Michelena)
HpS - Have you read - "http://www.jayarama.us/kd/guru-tattva.txt" Are you chanting 16-rounds/day, now??? If yes, for how long? So many details in this link. Wating for your timely response.